Chapter 21- Ignorance

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I didn't speak to anyone of them for the next couple of days. It didn't seem as if they noticed as everyone was just busy with Celine.

Everyone except Ruth.

Well, Ruth is now Charlotte. She completely changed her identity.

She even cut her long red hair till shoulder length and dyed them black. She stopped using lenses and bought glasses instead.

"Ruth Whites is now Charlotte Vincent." She cheered when we asked for her new name.

Soon after, she was going to our school and it was so good to have a female friend around.

Just like me, She immediately became popular because of the boys.


"Hey guys, I am making breakfast for everyone today." Celine chirped.

Damien gave her a fond smile with a lovesick look on his face and I almost gagged.

Celine was staying in Damien's room as we were occupying hers.

I completely stopped sitting around with everyone and always keep myself busy with homework and studies.

I only spend time with them when we are eating food but even then, I would just sit there quietly, not participating in their conversations and eat my food.

Damien and Celine were always together, as if they were glued to each other. The only time they were separated was during school, since Celine went to a different school.

"No, thanks. Jennifer and I want to make our own breakfast." Ruth, I mean, Charlotte scowled at Celine, who frowned.

"Um, well, we can make it together then." Celine suggested but Charlotte rudely declined.

Damien stared at Charlotte with an unimpressed look.

"I don't wanna enter the kitchen while you're there." Charlotte rolled her brown eyes.

Celine suddenly started wiping her eyes with a frown.

Fake tears.

Charlotte has been very rude with Celine since she came. She would always shut down any conversation Celine would try to make with us.

Damien observed Celine's 'sadness' and frowned at Charlotte. "You don't always have to be so rude, you know." He said but Charlotte didn't even look at him while she passed by him to go to our room.

I got up and followed after her. Damien called out my name but I continued walking, pretending as if I didn't hear him.


She didn't look at me as she just continued staring out of the window with a cold look.

"Ruth!" I called her again.

No response.

"There's no Ruth here. Ruth doesn't exist anymore. I am Charlotte." She said after a few seconds of silence, still staring out of the window.

I walked up to her. "Yes, sorry.. Charlotte... What was that outside?"

She turned around to look at me. "I don't have to pretend to like someone I don't like." She said and stared out of the window again.

"But, why do you hate her?"

"Don't you see, Jen? She doesn't look like she was kidnapped at all. No scars, no bruises. She is acting as if she just came back from a vacation. Something is wrong here."


"She was kidnapped by a fucking mafia! She doesn't look tortured at all. According to the boys, the mafia was threatening to harm Celine if they didn't give them the money. Don't you think they should have at least left some bruises on her.... To show it to threaten the boys maybe?"

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