Part 1

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This is just a rant or whatever you want to call it lol cx

 Sometimes I wonder why things happen, whether they be good or bad. Some people say that things happen for a reason but I want to know what that reason is. Is it because I did something wrong and maybe never apologized for it? Or maybe it was because someone somewhere wanted me to have bad luck and wished this upon me. Whatever it is, I just want a reason, an answer. But most of the time you end up confused, with nothing in your life, no one to talk to or to be with. Your left all alone in the world wishing that there was someone there to hold you while you cry and whisper to you that everything will be all right. Or maybe you just want someone that will love you, make you feel beautiful and treat you like the princess you deserve to be treated. Love can be a funny thing. One minute it's all romantic and the next minute it's like fire, it hurts and burns you where it hurts the most, your heart. Love is the most maddening, beautiful, magical, horrible, painful, wonderful, joyous thing in the world. Sometimes it can be an amazing feeling but not when it breaks your heart into a million tiny pieces that no one will be able to put together except that person that hurt you. But in the end that person most likely won't come back and you will be left broken while they have probably moved on and are happy with someone else. You will be left to cry and mend your broken heart on your own. They will be gone with some other while you're torn in two...forever broken. True love isn't easy, but it must be fought for. Because once you find it, it can never be replaced. Leaving you behind was the hardest thing I could have ever done. When I said goodbye and started walking towards the door and I saw tears in your eyes, it made it a hundred times worse. But in the end it's always for the best...or so we think. Sometimes we breakup with someone because we think it's the best thing to do but in reality it isn't, it actually is the worst thing you can do because later on in life you realize that you love that person more than you can ever have imagined but you let them go and now you're too late. Or then there's those times where they never lost feelings for you and after all those weeks, months, maybe even years, they still waited for you and still love you. But that usually never happens and you end up alone and regretting the worst mistake of your life. Pretending you love someone when you really don't is hard but it's even harder pretending not to love someone when you really do. It's like those friendships, where it's two best friends and one ends up falling in love with the other but the feelings aren't mutual. There's always going to be that one person that makes your heart flutter, makes you blush and stutter, makes you realize that they are the one. Some people say that you only fall in love once but that's not true because every time I see you I fall in love all over again. We fall in love by chance but we stay in love by choice. Sometime you just have to take a risk and fall hard in love, even if it means to get out of your comfort zone. Most of the time if two people are best friends, whether they be boy and girl, boy and boy, or girl and girl,  one of them falls in love with the other but the feelings aren't mutual or they both are in love with each other. Either way, someone always ends up broken hearted and/or the friendship is ruined. But sometimes you just have to take the risk and confess your feelings to them even though they might not be mutual. Would you rather have to live with not knowing whether they like you back or not or would you rather know even though they might not like you, but at least you gave it a try?Friendship means understanding, not agreement, it means forgiveness not forgetting, it means the memories last, even when contact is lost. A true friend is someone who accepts you for who you truly are and all of your mistakes that you have made, whether they be in the past or in the present. They aren't one's to judge you so you can trust them with everything that you do or have done. They will be there for you forever and always; whenever you need them for anything they will be there. You can count on them whenever you're feeling down or depressed. Friends are those people who you know you can say or do the dumbest shit but they would laugh along with you or end up laughing at you then make a horrible joke out of it. Sometime I wish I could go back in time to when we were kids, nothing ever worried us or we didn't care either. Being kids, we would just have fun and not give a shit about what people thought about us, but now as teenagers, that's mostly all we do. We all dwell on the fact that we might not be societies definition of 'perfect', being skinny, having  flawless skin, perfectly white and straight teeth, and thigh gaps. I wonder why society has made the image of a 'perfect' girl to begin with...are we not good enough as we are? Are we not being loved or wanted when we are who we are and don't pretend to be someone were not? Why do we have to change and be the perfect image that society makes us out to be? I simply don't understand, it's like they are saying that we aren't enough being who we are. Being different is good sometimes, but it can also be bad. For example, being gay, bisexual, or lesbian isn't bad but simply different in a good way. But being bipolar sometimes is a bad thing because you can hurt someone or yourself. Either way being different or unique isn't necessarily a bad thing. Being who you are and staying true to yourself is all that matters, not what other people think of you. Sometimes it's hard to show the world who you really are because of all of the judgemental people in the world, but sometimes you just have to take a risk and do it. You have to keep in mind that there are going to be people who don't accept you but there are others who are, and if some of your friends don't accept you then they aren't really your friends because if they were then they wouldn't care about your sexuality. Friends are supposed to be there for you no matter what person you are into, they should just support you. I hate people that judge others based on who they like or how they dress. For example guys that dress like girls, I honestly find it cute and adorable. I think they are brave because we live in a society where you get judged on everything yet they aren't afraid of being who they are and showing their true colors. I believe that clothes were made to be worn not for a specific gender, if someone feels more comfortable wearing girl clothes then let them be, or if they feel more comfortable wearing boy clothes then let them be. I don't understand why some people think it's wrong and disgusting for a guy to wear girl clothes, if they feel comfortable in them then let them be. It doesn't affect you in anyway so just let them wear what they want.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2015 ⏰

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