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Rain spattered against the window of my room as I pressed my face against it, feeling the coolness of it.

I lifted my pale hand to the window tracing a the line of rain dripping down. As I moved, the clink of chains followed, loudly.

How had I gotten here. How had this happened to me.



I was happy.

I was very, very, happy.

I had a fiancé. 

He was everything to me.

He was mine. I thought as I clung to his strong arm as he walked me to the dressing room.

"In a few hours. We will be wed." He whispered to me, pressing his forehead against mine.

I smiled, giggling slightly before I let go and went into the room.

I went in happy.

I went in joyful

I went in certain that I was to marry my only love.

I went into that room, closing the room behind me.

Now, I had a dear friend.

Who had always stood beside, helping in life.

He is called Gakupo. My very best friend.

Recently, he had been.... nosy.

Wanting to know where I was with my fiance, what I was doing, had we kissed yet.

All the things you'd expect a nosy younger sister to ask.

Not your best guy friend.

Not Gakupo.

However, because of that, I had grown distant with him.

Not telling him... possiblt goin as far as to lie openly. 

I had been sad about doing that to him. 

So I went into that room, not expecting my bestfriend to slap a hand over my mouth, pressing abit of cloth to my mouth.

The smell was foul and made my head ache.

With half closed eyes, I pied Gakupo, his hand firmly clamped over my mouth, grinning.

"Mmm G-Gak." I mufled out, before falling into his awaiting arms.

I left unhappy.

I left sorrowful

I left broken inside

Obsession~[Yandere!Gakupo X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now