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Aurora Celeste Mikaelson is the unknown youngest daughter of Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall-Labonair, younger twin sister to Hope Andrea Mikaelson. 

When Hayley Marshall-Labonair  went into the Bayou in New Orleans, she was kidnapped and held captive by the witch coven.

After confirming the pregnancy and the biological father; Klaus Mikaelson. 

The witches did another spell and transfer the youngest twin to another woman's womb. They thought that twin needed to grow up in a much safer environment,  boy how they were wrong. 

The coven hoped to use the first unborn baby as leverage to get Klaus Mikaelson to help the witches destroy Marcel Gerard  and take back the ability to perform magic freely.  The coven didn't think twice about the decision they made about the youngest twin.

Time went by at last Aurora Celeste was born into a place far from safe as to what the witches hoped for.  Aurora had hard life as a baby could have with an abusive father but the real  torture began at the age of four years old.  The  time where she unknowingly triggered her wolf curse and still  didn't have a handle on her magic, not that she understood herself what was truly going on.  

In  result of the  un-explainable and reoccurring moments Aurora would be beaten more often than others, in the "Dollhouse" as some victims that were there would call it.  Aurora was treated like a monster for what her abusers as well as her Father saw her as.  Yet Aurora held onto hope to be free like the tales she was told by the other victims. 

By the age of 11 years old Aurora had witnessed more deaths and abuse they anyone in that place.  Aurora had lost all hope she'll  be free for this place but knew she had to keep surviving for some unknown reason.

Aurora thought she had seen all forms of cruelty but she was sadly mistaken, when the  universe throws a heavier punch her way at the age of 13 years old; The lost her child just minutes after their birth. 

That was the most painful thing Aurora had to over come.  Aurora realized after that first and last hold of her child, why she felt the  urge to continue fighting for survival. It's to honour her the death of her daughter. 

Within a few weeks after the horrendous birth she indoor, Aurora stated to get flash's of this family in her dreams.  Aurora never was able to get the last name only their first name's.  Aurora felt she could help these people and hoped that they would met one day.

At times Aurora prayed it was her way to be free of this hell, however Aurora began to fear.  That one day they'll leave her when she may need them or worse they grow close to her then find one thing they hate and somehow bring her back to this hell whole.

In result Aurora dismissed the prayers of hope about leaving this place and closed herself  form getting close with anyone for three years. 

When Aurora was 16 years old she met a new person  who arrived in that place, the man's name is Lucifer Morningstar. Within time he became another reason for her to keep fighting to stay alive. Aurora wasn't planning to fall for him but she did. 

In Lucifer Morningstar eyes Aurora Celeste is the definition of an Angel. Whom he fell in love with as well and wasn't going to let her suffer in this place any longer. They formed a plan to escape, Aurora managed to harness enough strength to shut down the power and Lucifer was able to start a fire.

Moments before Aurora and Lucifer had to separate from each other, they shard an passionate last kiss. Lucifer told Aurora they'll see each other soon, with that Aurora ran till she couldn't.  

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