Part 1

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The sun shone warmly on the town, and the air was filled with the cries of various vendors all attempting to draw others into their wares. Everywhere was a new set of colors and smells to experience, a set of cakes were especially intoxicating.

"Come along Erik, don't get too far behind me" the voice drew the young black haired boy's attention from the fragrant treats as he quickly rejoined his father.

"Dad! Dad! Can I have one pleeeeease? Oh! And can we get one for Mama too?" Erik asked, giving his father the biggest puppy eyes he could manage.

"Your mother would get mad at me if you spoil your appetite"

"Pllleeeeeeasssee I won't I promise!!"

His father chuckled, amused by his son's antics. "Fine, but we'll share one. Two please." He said as he ruffled Erik's hair. The vendor smiled and put the cakes into pretty looking small bags as his father paid. The boy couldn't contain himself bouncing up and down clearly wanting to eat his prize right that second. "Now, now patience Erik, let's find somewhere to sit first." This did little to curb his enthusiasm, still bouncing as his father led them to a bench. As soon as he was handed his half the cake disappeared into his mouth. Smiling, his father wiped the crumbs off his face and helped him adjust the scarf that was previously over his face.

"What's next dad?" Erik asked, kicking his feet as they dangled from the bench.

"Well we still have some stuff to pick up for your mother at the house. I'm not quite sure I can carry it all up myself...." His father was interrupted by the enthusiastic cry of his son.

"I can help! I'm strong!" Erik hopped off the bench and puffed out his tiny chest to show off his might.

"You sure are kiddo" His father's smile grew a bit more strained. He studied his son for a moment "more than you know" Erik either didn't notice or understand his father's look, instead eager to get moving again. His father stood up reaching for his son's hand as they continued. The rest of the trip through the market was uneventful, that was until it was nearly time to go home.

"Erik, slow down!" Erik didn't heed the call of his father, he was well ahead of him having the time of his life and ended up tripping into the dirt.The bags he was carrying had spilled onto the ground. Erik felt tears roll down his face as he picked himself up dusting off the dirt from his pants. His body stung, especially where he tried to stop the fall. He didn't notice the scarf had slipped from his face, or the increasing looks from onlookers. Instead his attention was on the groceries he had wasted adding to his distress. Only looking back when a shiny brand new wooden toy of a warrior filled his view. "You ok there little buddy?" The voice was definitely from his dad doing a silly impression. It was bad enough that it actually managed to calm Erik down, reducing his crying to the occasional sniffle. "Daddd I'm not a little kid anymore" the boy complained,wiping his eyes.

"Oh is that so?" His dad asked,clearly amused as he stood, making sure to fix Eric's scarf properly on his way up. "Oh is that so? I guess you don't need this brand new toy since you're soooo grown up then?" He couldn't help but chuckle at the sheer amount of force Eric protested him with. He gave Erik the figure and patted his head "Let's pick up what we can and head home your mother is waiting for us."

"Lost in thought?" a gentle voice pulled Erik from his memories as he turned towards his mother. He put the toy, now worn from age, back into his pockets. His mother's face was pressed in worry and he knew he had to say something that would ease her.

"Yeah. But it's fine! I'm heading out for a while, to town do you need anything?" Erik watched as his mother hummed, tapping her finger to her chin, finally she shook her head and he was free to go. Slipping on his jacket and mask he wavered goodbye to his mother one last time. Before he left out the door he briefly stopped at a picture on the dresser, his expression softened as he picked it up "I'm heading out Dad." Before gently putting it back down and leaving out the door.

Erik just wanted to clear his head, so he just let himself wander aimlessly. Before long he found himself deeply surrounded by the trees, somehow he always ended up here. The Emerald Jungle was not the most welcoming of places. It was easy for people to get lost, even the locals steered clear of it. But for some reason Erik always felt drawn to it. As he walked along a familiar path he hummed to himself, occasionally running his hands along the bark of a tree. Only stopping short when he heard voices in the distance. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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