Sorry About Your Birthday!

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Requested by Tannu2003

"What should we do to him this year?" Yoongi asked the rest of the group, except Jungkook who was taking a nap in his room after a long day of rehearsals. Jungkook's hyungs were planning his annual birthday prank. It was a tradition to do some sort of prank to eachother every year on their birthday.

"We could get him a cake that blows up," Jin suggested.

"We did that when he turned 15," Hobi reminded his hyung. They had done so many pranks to eachother over the years it was easy to forget who had done what prank to who.

"Candles that won't blow out no matter how many times he's tried?" Namjoon suggested.

"That's boring," Taehyung knew they could come up with something better.

"Remember when he turned 16 and we all scolded him and he cried?" Jimin asked, "We should do the opposite. I mean like instead of scold him we just completely ignore him for a few days before his birthday. He'll wonder what's going on and then on his birthday we can be like BOOM SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAKNAE!"

The rest of the members looked around at eachother and nodded in agreement, "Ooo yah, that could be a good one!" Hobi chuckled, "Jungkook will definitely wonder what's going on!"

Everyone agreed that this would be this years prank. To ignore Jungkook until his birthday, which was three days away, and then surprise him with all their love and affection as soon as he wakes up the next year older.

"When do we start ignoring him?" Jimin asked .

"Let's wait until tomorrow. I don't want it to last too long," Jin said. The members agreed to start tomorrow.

"We can't crack either! He's going to ask and bug us about what's wrong and do his lip pouty thing or find some way to get us to pay attention to him or hang out, but don't fall for his tricks!! We have to hold our ground if we're really going to prank him!" Yoongi commanded.

The members all knew this could be a hard one to keep up with it. Even in times when someone had actually been upset or annoyed with Jungkook it didn't last long because all he had to do was pout or make big eyes and he was instantly forgiven. The members didn't really have it in their hearts to be mean or treat their maknae badly, they knew this would all be in good fun. They knew Jungkook would understand when he woke up on his birthday.

Later that night, Jin had to go wake Jungkook up from his nap to go eat dinner, "You've been asleep all afternoon. You won't get any sleep tonight. Wake up, the food is ready." Jin left the room. Jungkook stretched and groaned before getting out of bed. He was feeling exhausted even after his nap, and his stomach was hurting a bit. He wasn't all that hungry but joined his hyungs anyways. He was a bit more quiet than usual at first but after some funny jokes and good laughs with his hyungs he was feeling a bit better, he would only occasionally rub the sharp pain that would shoot through his lower stomach. He thought maybe he was getting a 24 hour bug or something of the sort.

The next morning, the hyungs knew it was showtime. As difficult as it would be for them, they needed to spend the next two days ignoring Jungkook as much as possible and as best as they could. They had previously agreed that obviously if some kind of emergency came up they'd end the prank, but they didn't expect anything to happen.

Jungkook woke up to the smell of Hobi making bacon and Jin making pancakes. The members were slowly gathering around the table to eat. Jungkook looked at them curiously, usually someone always woke him up before the food was actually done cooking. However, Jungkook's stomach hurt even worse so he was even less hungry than before.

Sorry About Your Birthday [Jungkook Hurtfic/Oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now