Portal Home [Naruto Fanfic]

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Bah! So this is one of my first fan fictions, with a sort of clichéd plot. But it has a twist to it in the end, and it focuses not on romance, but adventure. You could say it's AU, because the war isn't going on and all of that. It's just... Neutral.

Hope you like it! c: 


"Do you want dinner, Mal?" I smiled to my sweet baby brother, Malachi.

He pouted, a stern look of anger in his eyes. You see, he hasn't learned to talk yet, and right about now, he's learning new facial expressions. Actually, just the day before when I was changing his diaper, I made a comment about his poopie, and he made a look of excitement.  The fact that he didn't understand me made it even funnier.

Smiling to him, I picked him up by his armpits and hoisted him onto my waist. "Want to go to your chair? We'll go to your chair," I cooed to him, walking into the kitchen. I set him down in his cushioned high-chair, fastening the belt that kept him from falling through. He made a babbling noise as a string of drool exited his mouth. 

Preparing the mashed peas was easy. You had to serve them warm, so I put them in the microwave for 40 seconds, considering it was in the fridge and was cold. I got out his baby spoon and mixed the mashed peas around in the small bowl, bringing it to him. He happily took the bowl, barely allowing me to scoop a small bit of it onto the spoon and into his mouth.

I smiled to myself. Now for Naruto, I thought, glancing to my preoccupied brother. I ran for my laptop, which resided in my room, on my bed.

Only for a second, if I just leave Malachi alone for a second, I will be fine, right? I tucked my laptop under my arm and ran back to the kitchen, where my mother was putting away Mal's food. I couldn't hold in a gasp as she turned to me. 

"Put your brother to bed, will you?" my mother spat to me with a dead look in her eye. She'd been drinking. Of course she was.

I could have rejected. I could have led her upstaris into her bed to sleep. But I only nodded, unfastening Mal's seat belt and hoisting him back up on my waist again. "Yes mother," I droned, turning to leave.

"Oh, and Kasumi? From now on you will be called 'Kayla'." She smiled to me, a fake smile. What? I am not leaving behind the name father gave me! My name, and the memories, are all I have left of him! 

"Yes, mother."


I wiped my eyes as I thought of father. He's the one who introduced me to the Naruto anime, gave me my name. Before he died, he used to call himself an otaku, and called me his little otaku. I owe him what I am today. Living. 

The pitch black of my small room stared back at me with judging eyes. If I tried not too think about it, my life was pretty normal. When I was born, my parents always fought. I became sad often, and chose not to talk. The gravity and weight of life came hard to me. But then I heard that I was going to have a little brother when I was 14. I started doing more chores around the house, washing the neighbours' car, earning dollar after dollar, one by one. By the sixth month, though, father got into a car accident. He died at the scene. Again, I fell into that deep darkness. But it's okay. Malachi still brightened my days up, with the help of Naruto. 

As I forced myself to smile, I opened my eyes to a weird purple glow. It moved, almost like a flag would in the wind. Something about  the way it shone caught me to surprise. What was making that glow? 

I rolled over in bed, just in time to see a hole in the middle of my bedroom floor. And then I fell.

Half-expecting to hit the ground right away, I clenched my eyes shut, making distressed screams as loud as I could. God, please let this be a dream, I thought. Terror tugged at my heart, but something wasn't right. I've been screaming, falling for at least 50 seconds. I reluctantly forced myself to open my eyes to the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. A warm glow of purple, accented by golden words that, I could read, surprisingly.

Looking down to my hands, I was greeted by, not my own hands, as far as I could tell. No, they didn't look real. They looked... like anime hands! I gasped as I realized the rest of my body was the same. "What the hell?" I screamed, tears streaming from my eyes. I just wanted to get out of here.

But then the speed of my fall slowed down as the purple-ish sky turned baby blue. I looked around, but everything was too bright. I felt weak. and I didn't even land before I passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2013 ⏰

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