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I am frozen- a gargantuan sillhouette, his back to me, standing merely metres away across the darkness. The silence is crushing me, boxing my heart and slowly draining any bravery I initially held. All that is left is fear; fear of the figure before me; fear for my brother; fear of my naiivity- how could I have been so stupid as to think I could do this alone?

A peircing laugh screeches through the silence. The cackle is not warm like a laugh should be, instead it echoes harshly off of the close concrete walls of the cellar, tearing through my ears and squeezing my heart tight.

"Did you really think," the sillhouette growls, turning around slowly, "that you could simply walk in here, and seize what is rightfully mine?". My blood runs cold. He is enormous- an infinite shadow cast upon his hooded face.

I muster all of my courage, taking from any emotion i can find still left in my racing heart, anger, regret and an endless supply of fear. Mentally begging my breathing to slow, I reply as powerfully as I can, "He is my brother- He doesn't belong to you". It comes out barely a whisper. I am sick to the stomach, a chill trembling through my bones, they are as fragile as leaves in the winter- like they could crumble beneath the lightest touch.

The monster before me just laughs once again. He begins walking towards me. I know with his size I could be within his grasp in five, maybe six strides. I am a fly beside him- an easy prey, a short life-span in his hands, another target tangled up in his web- no threat in any manner. I back up slowly, shuffling towards the door.

Five steps and he would have me.

I reach my hand behind me, willing the door closer, my blood pumping through my veins.

Four steps.

I fumble for the rusted brass door handle, not taking my eyes away from the villain's invisible face. His hood displays nothing of what lies beneath in the silver twilight cast through the single window above.


My breath catches. The key is no longer in its slot beneath the doorknob. Panic courses through my body, sending my nerves into fits of despair.


I spin around, desperately fighting with the door. Tears begin to well in my emerald eyes, clouding my vision. Why is it not opening?


An enourmous hand clamps itself on my shoulder, knocking the breath out of me. A tiny whimper escapes my mouth. Another hand grips my waist, pulling me backwards, away from my gateway to freedom. An acidic breath blows on my cheek as the sillhouettes rough stubble scratches my skin.

"Did you honestly think it would be that easy?" He hisses against my ear.

I should do something, anything! Fight back, kick, scream! But I cannot. I am a terrified thought inside an empty body. The hands turn me around to face the monstrosity grasping my frail waist. I am greeted by the cold stare of two endless black holes alight with the reflection of my fears. It's as though I can see straight through his soul, into the depths of whatever hell he belongs to. I know this is it. This is game over. This is...

My arm flies up towards him, a limb of its own accord, my hand gripping his face. I see his eyes widen in terror at the recognition of what was happening. I see my own surprise reflected back at me as a violent howl escapes his body. A patch of blue forms between my fingers- crystallizing as it spreads across his face. The pressure on my waist releases as he claws at his own heart, his motions slowing with every second that the ice crosses his body. I can see him struggling and I am terrified- what am I doing? A crackle like that of hardening stone reverberates through the cellar and I back away from the figure. He is not moving- frozen still as his nails rip his skin in agony; desperately trying to prevent the thawing from spreading through his dying body.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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