Chapter 8

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Why do you guys keep reading like 512 reads guys your making me update. But because I love you guys here is chapter 8 and no I will nit be ending this soon I will try to get to 50 chapters.


Annabeth's POV

The sea looked beautiful. Shining with the sun and blowing with the wind. Also it was the same color as Percy's eyes. I remember my first time on the ship punching Leo and then starting to fall in love. People and by people I mean my mom said love doesn't exist and that it is a matter of power. I have always wondered who hurt her it could not have been my father...or maybe it was. I had time to ponder my thoughts so I headed into my cabin/Percy's. When I walk in I pull out my sword but it tumble to the ground in one quick motion.

Percy's POV
I was at the wheel when I saw Annbeth with a thoughtful expression as she headed into our cabin. What was she thinking? I headed in after her to find her sword on the ground and I walk in farther to the oval room. I turn to my right and see a figure in the candlelight. They had a slim figure but yet fragile and it was a guy. I hear a laugh..."So I guess I found you cousin." Said the boy. It was Nico he was a pure devil he was the reason I'm wanted. That shady low life made my small plan erupt into flames.
The night was dark and cold perfect fir the robbery. It wasn't like this was a huge heist me and some if my friends were going to get money back for are families. My cousion Nico had come along I was ok as long as he didn't blab. We got n simple with a couple of Hecate kids. (Sorry forgot the minor gods name oh Zeus please don't smite me.) We grabbed at bags and we're leaving when Nico he his back to me. "Come on the guards will wake up soon." I whispered. "Oh Percy when did you think it would be that easy." He said as he showed me a burning match. "Nico what are you doing there are people in there come on they won't remember a thing." I said as I waved off the other kids. "That's to bad...." I ran people shouting and screaming I tried to go back ? in but the guards had woke up and we're after me. I made it out by hiding on a small merchant ship. I waited their till it was yet night again and I headed to pub. There men we discussing the incident and one said, "The boy they found was apparently attacked by the pirate." They were all questing and worrying over the boy when I new the truth. That the boy was a devil in disguise.
End of Flashback

I pulled out my sword, "So d ii you want to end this now." He just smiles and I soon hear a small gasp. I turn to see Jason holding a small dagger to Annbeths neck.
Ok I know I'm bad but here is the update finally and thank you guys for the votes and support I never thought this story would actually do good. IMPORTANT: I am going to start a new book with minecraft youtubers and it's called My Last Hunger Games please check it out when I start bye. Polly that a good outdo?

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