Chapter 22- Broken Bracelet

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I was in the kitchen, washing the dishes when I felt a presence behind me.

I looked over my shoulder to see Liam standing there,  deep in his thoughts.

"You want something?" I asked him.

He looked up to smile at me and came over at my side, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Um.. I.. I.. Jennifer.. " He seemed lost for the correct words.

"Is something wrong?" I asked as I wiped my hands dry and turned to give my full attention to him.

"How should I say this?" He asked while looking at me as if I would magically understand what he was trying to make me understand.

I thought for a while. Liam, looking nervous.. Not able to form words...

"Is it about Charlotte?" I guessed.

His eyes lit up as he grinned. "Yes! How did you know?"

I shrugged "Just a guess."

"I want to ask her out but I don't know how. Can you help me? Please?" He looked at me with puppy eyes and I chuckled at his expression.

"And how can I help you in this?"

"I don't know. Give me some advices?"

"What all do you know about her?"

"Her past life, her hobbies, likes, dislikes, interests..."

"Okay, so, what kind of a person is she?"

"Nature loving! She likes simple things and gets irritated very easily. She's confident, smart, beautiful. Her eyes are so pretty. I mean, she's just awesome!" He stared into space, smiling adorably as he was picturing her in his mind.

This was too cute.

"Okay, so.. She doesn't likes fancy things. She loves nature.. Um.. Ask her to have a walk around in the park or by the lake with you. Like a nature walk or something. Get to know her better. Let her become comfortable around you. And please, try not to bore her with your talks. Complement her, make jokes with her, make her smile and laugh and I am sure she wouldn't be able to help fall in love with you. You're an amazing guy, Liam. She would really be lucky to have you." I smiled at the blushing blonde boy in front of me.

"Thanks, Jennifer. You're awesome." He said while hugging me. I just laughed and patted at his arm.


It was only Zack and me left in the house.

Liam and Charlotte had gone for a walk around the forest. He followed my advice and surprisingly, Charlotte agreed to go with him.

Max wanted to visit a museum with his old friends, so he wasn't here either. As for Damien and Celine, they were on a lunch date.

I was sitting alone in the living room, sulking on the couch while hugging a pillow as I pictured the two of them chatting and laughing with each other happily. I was sitting with dull eyes and a frown, feeling sorry for myself.

"What's up, my kitty cat?" Zack plopped down on the couch beside me.

I just hummed in response, still frowning.

He pulled up my chin, making me look at him.

He frowned upon seeing the dull look on my face. "You okay?" he asked with concern shining in his light brown eyes.

"No." Was my short answer.

His frown deepened as he grazed his thumb over my cheek. I would have smiled at his action but I was too sad to do that right now.

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