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Pramod's pov,

The next morning i woke up and the first view my eyes caught was her angelic face. My love! My Susheela!

I stared at her sleeping so peacefully in my arms which were always open for her . I waited and waited and four years passed by i couldn't find her.

I rubbed my thumb on her soft cheek slowly and she snuggled into my arms.

"Good morning love" i said softly

"umm good morning" she replied opening her pearls

"Are you okay? " I asked pecking her tiny nose

"just a bit sore" 

I peck her nose again and covered her nicely with the duvet. After kissing her forehead and i went to make coffee for us. I really want that our every day starts like this.

Coming back i found her sitting on the bed and looking around.

"Coffee love" i offered her and accepted it with a smile.

"You did this" she asked pointing around the room

"Yeah. I thought we would be tired this morning so- her blush made me smile. I am smiling since morning. I don't what and why but this feels so right.



"I was thinking something. I mean about moving in together" she looked at me at this statement

"Pramod! I don't know. Isn't it going to fast? I just want this time to move slowly."

"Love i am just saying. Its completely upto you. " she nodded "okay i think go back to my house , i have an important meeting today "

"Yeah" she said hugging me tightly

"If you do like this then how i will be able to leave" i asked her wrapping my arms around her protectively. Mine!

"Then don't leave Pramod" her voice was choked

"Hey " I cupped her face seeing her eyes filled with tears "What happened Sushi?"

"I don't know why but i am getting a bad vibe. I feel like you will go away from me."

"Never! No one can separate us now. Not even death-

"Pramod please don't say like this"

"Hey look here!" i made her look into my eyes " i will be always with you. This Pramod will be always with his Susheela. No matter what. I love you so much!"

"I love you too Pramod! I love you so so much" i hugged her tightly . She finally confessed that she loves me. She love me!

"Now go and have bath. I have ordered breakfast for us" i said and she nodded.

I picked her in arms and took her to the bathroom.

After a long bath she came out of the bathroom meanwhile i got changed into full clothes.

We had our breakfast and then, unfortunately, unwillingly, i had to leave.

"I will be back soon!"

"Bye Pramod! "

"Bye Sushi! Take care!"


One the way back to my house i remembered the first time when i saw her.


Four years ago.

27 October, 2018 - The same night!

"Dammit... What do you mean i have to stay here for another week " I yelled at my manager i appointed in Rohtak. He was getting into my nerves.

"I don't care about any one just get the bloody tickets rea- fuck" suddenly someone came infront of my car.

"Shit !" I rushed out and saw a lady lying down on the road.

"Hey " i turned her saw her face, the most beautiful face i can say. I patted her soft cheeks lightly.

"Mmm Kartik please don't"

"Hey are you okay? Who is bloody Kartik? Hey you-" She opened her dark brown eyes for few seconds making me to get lost in them but then fell unconscious.

I took her to the hospital spending the night looking her . In the morning i decided to look into the matter and so i click a picture of her and went of her ward to call my man.

After getting all the information i went back to her ward and saw her talking with someone. May be her friend.

I listen to their talks surreptitiously and after listening from her mouth about what happened with her last night my blood was boiling. I want to kill that Kartik right then.

I went back outside and ordered my man to kidnap him. When I came back she was no where no to be seen. First i thought her to be just as a passing cloud but her face was been pasted in my mind. I went to her house but got no information. Her family was upset with her .

In order to take revenge, I kept Kartik in captive for about six months torturing him daily for hurting my love untill one day someone came to me searching him.

F͟l͟a͟s͟h͟b͟a͟c͟k͟ e͟n͟d͟

I came out of my thought and went inside my house to get ready for the day.

That's for today. Hope you like it.

I thought to write a long part but due to some reason i couldn't do so.

A few more to go😗

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