Chapter 1: A melody

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Narrator:Ok so where do i start...oh right i think we should go back to the time i was fighting back for the city called inkopolis,fighting for all of those who follow the Calimari inkontation.(character in 3rd person fighting the squid sisters and Octavio).never mind i think we should start from the beginning and i mean let's go back a couple of weeks on how i thought i was totally a gonner and is still fighting.

Octoling General:is everything set?Octoling corporal:yes madam sir!OC:good begin thermal scan.(sounds of flooring opens)OP:So question:where did we find this pod?OG:oh you probably thought that the DJ had this?(giggles)no we found this pod after the attack on the city,remember?OC:oh ok.OG:don't worry after we figure out whatever is in this thing it has to be valuable.OC:why would you suggest that?OG:because i heard rumours from the DJ and he said that this thing is before us.OC:you for eel?OG:yep oh i hated that day.(thermal scan complete)OG:this isn't right these readings are detecting...OC:something is alive in that pod,should we..OG:No we can do this,ok?OC:Ok then,after we are done with this can we get drinks?OG:sure...little bro.OC:beginning to open the pod in 3.....2.....1.(pod opens up)(revealing only dry ice particles until)(character design,this is the part of who and what is your character is from octoling to inkling but my Personal design cuttlefish style)(choosing the gender will change of what will happen and having the option hiding orhair style can be any type of look)(eyes can have any feature including noticeable scars and damaged tissue)when you think this is the character to fit your personality (click start.)(character in the story)OG:its a kid?OC:I thought you said it would be something valuable not someone.OG:keep it together,we just discovered that this pod contained a kid.OC:is he alive?OG:im not sure,begin heart monitoring.(heart monitor to show up and started to show a heart beat grow and the character gets out of the pod)(kid wakes up)(deep breath taken)(kid gets up from the pod and falls onto the ground)(Now entering 1st person mode(When in first person mode you can view your enemies at close range)OG:wow.OC:do you think we should talk to him?OG:(nods her head yes)(Octoling general presses button for mic)(mic goes on)OG:Hello in their!(kid looks around to find the source of the mic)OG:Alright listen up kid,I'm in charge here so listen up, if you cooperate and be a good kid we'll go easy on ok?(Kid nods his head yes) ok then.(Button for the mic gets turned off)OG:Looks like someone is giving us the silent treatment.OC:Beginning high jump test.(Room gets extended floors and walls move away from each other)OG:Alright let's stretch those tentacles and see what this kid's skills are.OC:let's begin the ink form cuz he looks worn down.(Mic turns on)OC:Hey kid can you squid form?(Knowing that you as the player can't squid form,Yet,doesn't mean you can but for now learning how to do parkour)(for now learning how
To jump,duck and and doing amazing preformed stunts)OG:Ok something's not right,why can't he ink jump?OC:Beginning x-Ray.While continuing to do stunt and making it to the checkpoint of basic Octarian training (scan complete)OG:what the...?OC:Wait what?! OG:he doesn't have an inkblater?How can he support our cause?!I need soldiers, not a one life loser!OC:Easy sis,look at the bright side at least we can improve..OG:improve like what?OC:I don't know,but in the meantime we can train him to get the rope on how things work here.OG: i don't know.OC:Come on,this is like the first kid we can train for us. OG:Alright ...... but if he tries anything suspicious I splatter him,ok?OC:(sigh) ok.OG:Ok,since he can't ink jump or squid form he gets a pass for now.(button pressed for the mic)OG:Hey kid not bad,you got some potential but you'll need more than that,you could put your left arm into that contraption would you kindly.(Kid walks over the the machine,places his left arm and gets his arm trapped but instead of torture he gets a tattoo imprinted the word E0 on his shoulder)(While the Tattoo was finished you now enter 3rd person mode where you can see the character you created):OG:There you are now Named:Unit E0,now let's see what you got in that little ink heart you have.OC:beginning splatshot training OG:Lets start,Unit pick up that weapon a decent,octo shooter a classic weapon.(As the character picks up the weapon the flooring opens up and some areas of the testing facilities becomes open and yet you see clouds and a blue sky but it turns out only to be screens)shot by shot of every Target you hit,after learning about the basic weapon,now learning how to use your substitute weapon(From the game in Splatoon as the player you have the basic start off weapon and your sub the sub weapon is how to play the game as a story mode style)(to give the player the perspective that it's splatoon and it's new modified system)OG:Well done Unit,You are actually not that half bad.OC:So does this mean he is good to join us?OG:We don't want to over our heads,He still has one more test till he can join our ranks.OC:You mean?OG:Yes,Time for the mind manipulator,Unit you have shown the skill,Talent and strength to be in our ranks but if you want to be one of us,you need to pass our final text,Hold still OC:activating Sound waves speakers,Button pressed,Octo speakers appear from the walls left and right,OG:Activating in 3....2.....1,Playing octo beats level 1 of a sound wave playing on the speakers,While hearing the beats I had to keep my ears closed away from the sounds,Blocking the noise with my hands,OG:What?Unit you need to let go of your ears,OC:Unit you need to listen to us or you'll get yourself hurt,OG:Ok so if he doesn't want to listen to than I'll make him obey us,OC:Sis please don't,Octarian Gener turning the knob of the volume to the speaker,playing the noise is really irritating me and I felt so angry about the beats getting louder and louder till,I snapped opening my eyes wide than using the splatshot to destroy the speakers,If I listened to more of that music I would go crazy,luckily I didn't have to anymore,remembering the sound of pain/tourture and you remember something you said in your head)OG:Hey Unit stop goofing around and get back to training.(character looks at the screen of where the Octarian General is)OG:UNIT E0!!! GET BACK TO TRAINING YOU USELESS UNUSABLE SQUID!!!(Character points the middle finger at the Octarian general and that got her pissed)OG:Ok that's it!!You wanna play hard heh?then let's see.(Button for mic)Attention all octarian newbies report to testing sector 3/52.(12 octarians/5 twinticle octo troopers,3 females,4 maleoctarian troops,and a massive horde of ink strickers)(After facing the horde and escaping you hear a noise but it sounds like music coming from the room across the hall from snipers and you can't squid form so be careful)hearing the music in my head was growing stronger I kept on finding out where that melody was playing(as you enter the room with the music it turns out it's just pitch black and you enter as you keep seeing nothing until the rooms lights up with a scanner scanning you as it turns out a machine grabbed you legs and arms that gives you a pair of shoes,gloves on your hands and your body now fits with a jackets but with metal lining and a revealing a pair of shades of a pedestal)(machine powers off and lets you go)(As the character grabs the shades and puts them on the suit powers on and a low light glows on the suit and you leave the room)Octarian troop:Target spotted!!!(character looks worried)Octarian trooper 2:fire!!(as you get hit you realise the suit just prevents you from taking damage)Octarian trooper:Wat the?....(Then the character grabs his weapon from his back and ran up to the octarians and splattered them both of them and runs)(as you make it out of the testing chamber sector you now see an entire army of octarians and realised that your ink meter on you suit is critically empty and as look at the Octarian ink,you look at the glove on your right placing your hand on the ink fills up your ink meter tank and now was at full capacity,as you kept on wandering around the facility you and splatting any Octarians that find you,You found the armory filled with Octarian soldiers ,as you keep on wondering the facility you found the biggest armory of the Octarian base,Speaker on the walls:Attention All Octarians We Have An Escaped test subject and is running around to escape Don't Let That happen, Knowing you are found and need a quick escape,After looking left,right and low seeing nothing but Octarians coming in every direction nowhere you could escape,Later a Humming feeling from your back and legs,(Boom)you are soaring in the sky and the Octarians seeing you in the sky and landed on the other side of the platform you were standing in the octo Armory(as you attempted to escape without being detected the cams got you and alerted the army and is now chasing you,as you kept on running your luck almost ran out and get cornered by a three path way but each path has octarians and you get near a glass window and looking out you realized that their is an ocean but no land and then you see something up a head from the middle hallway)(Ink beam!!!)(Blasting at you,you tried to prevent it from hurting you by putting both arms in front of you and you get splattered by the beam and the blast was so devastating it penetrates you from the window and falling into the water makes you unconscious)OC:Target...neutralized.OG:well we lost half of our army and we failed to secure that kid.OC:what do we do now?OG:I don't know.Octarian Trooper:Attention!!!General and Commander,you're needed in the briefing room with them.OC:you mean?OT:yep,them.OC:Alright thank..OG:AS you were soldier.(Door opens and closes in the background)(pulls up a seat or 2)mysterious voice were the ones with the problem?mysterious voice 2:And it was from a kid,that you had orders to splat anyone who steps into this territory.OC:Look it wasn't our fault it was this kid but we tried too.(shoots splat sounds and splats the Octarian Commander)OG:Nooo!!Mysterious voice 2:we gave you this one job and you failed soo, Mysterious voice 1:we can't let this happen again.(black screen fades into an open scene)(The sound of waves)Character:thoughts in his head (The smell of ocean sand and taste..?wait what?)character:(Coughs at a fast paste)(takes of the shades on your face and entures 3rd person)(while in 3rd person you get a look on what the character looks like and see the expression of pain on his/her face when the outline on his/her face and takes off the shades with your right hand and reveals a outline scene of goo dripping from your eyes and drys up away).(as you get up for some reason,you didn't evaporate while you were in the ocean(characters thoughts)(hmm)(While looking around you look at the tattoo on your arm and looked at it for a split second and pulled down the sleeve) after looked around he needed to look where you are and deciding to climbed on top of a hill and realised that you're far from wherever you were at and continued on.(step by step walking for days in a deserted part of land nothing but destruction landmarks)(after walking for days you feel really tired out and you're close to faint and then after taking you last step you faint and falls face down on the sand but you're not alone in the land screen fades to black.(Later back in the isolated octarina location)mysterious voice 1:So let me get this straight,you had an entire army of octarian soldiers and for some reason...Mysterious voice 2:he splattered half of your platoon in this sector?OG:Yes and he wasn't doing no mercy for them.Mysterious voice 2:We are needed somewhere else and bring her with us,He wants to speak with her.(later back with Unit E0)(After dreaming of being in the ocean)you wake up and you hit your head on a shelf when you were laying down(Wham!!)after looking around of where you are now and it looks like an outhouse for some reason and you see a figure outside of the doorway facing away from and looking at nothing.(later in this part there are 2 secrets that includes 1,leaving with either of your gear on you or option 2,leaving the shack with your gear)(main)While leaving you explore the shack you wake up in it seems to be really old and creepy,Later(Creek)you hear a sound you open the door slowly and then suddenly(figure with a weapon and hears a charging sound and was pointed at you and you aimed your weapon at the figure to)Figure:if your here to splat me...make it quick i don't have much time.(character lowers his weapon and puts his hands up slowly)Figure:what?'re not gonna fight?but your in octarian armor and....wait a sec(decharges the charger)(and your weapon is put away as well)you're not like the others too aren't you?(character looks at figure with a question look)Figure:just...who are you..exactly?(character shows his tattoo on his left arm and reveals his name)Figure:U.E.0.?hmmm....never heard of that..You know you remind me of someone but if you were not sent to hunt me down then....what in the name of squid kind are you doing here in the badlands?!( a stomach growls and it's your stomach)Figure:oh you're probably hungry my apologies..Let me go find those fish discuets.(foot steps and cane tapping on the ground and revealing the outside part where you see only a giant statue of an octopus near a cliff on a floating island)while looking down.Hey kid! don't do that.(sets up tea on a table under a tent)Figure:so you probably wondering where your are..well welcome to....octo badlands and historical part of history with octarians and inklings fighting in the great war 100 and 5 years ago.(now as the character you now have 4 ways the character can react you(inkling,Cap,octoling and DJ)(you need to remember and because with every action you do causes the story)Figure:oh forgive me let introduce myself,My name is Captain Cuttlefish leader and inkling soldier in the squid peak splatoon!!(Character looks at captain with no actions and blinks)Cap:so,you don't know who I am,do you?(character noods no)Cap:oh well then i guess you're new in these parts then..(Captain thoughts:i wonder...)(as captain looks and walks away from table and stairs a portrait of his granddaughters)As your character takes off his shades and rubs his eyes, then)Cap:Heh you know what,i think that someday when i do get to see my granddaughters again i promised that i will protect them with all my strength even though they grow up so fast that you forget.then Cap looks at you and (gasp)Cap:What the?! Kid?(character looks at Cap and stairs at him)Cap runs into his house.looks for something then 10 seconds later he finds an image that was over 100 years long ago and says to you.How are you..But that's impossible..Could it actually be..Cap scares the character with a questionable looks.Cap:never mind anway look i need your help with something and i now it sounds impossible but i need you to go to Inkopolis City.Character looks at captain with a questionable look.Captain:I know what I'm gonna say may sound crazy but in that direction(Pointing East)there is a city where I may help you on your journey to your Future,Will you help me?As your character looks serious,You knood yes.Captain:yes,Ok before you leave you need to be ready to be sent off in the night,The scorching sun will Dry your ink fast as you can say Calamari.

As the night time continues to fall you kept asleep(As you sleep you Dream of Explosions,and crying)Captain:Wake up kid,it's time,I manage to put ink in your container,Strange I never seen alike luckily I know someone in the city who can help with your outfit.(As Captain pointed where to go,you see a faint glow showing in the distance knowing that the direction to go)Captain:Before you go,Take this(Gives you a worn out cap) Captain:So when you get to the city this should help me find you but whatever you do,don't take it off.(You knooeded yes)(As you walk away not looking back but forward to city)(As the Camera goes out and looks at Captain saying)Captain:Hang on Girls,Help is on the way.

putting an end for chapter 1.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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