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Summer camp. Oh how everyone loved it. Sitting in only your bathing suits, toasting marshmallows by the fire at night, hiking with friends. It was heaven for many.

Minho and Jisung had always gone to summer camp since they were kids, continuing to middle school, and then high school. Their moms were always good friends, and so were they.

It was just after lunch, Minho and Jisung were at the lake with their friend group. It was Minho, Jisung, Chan, Felix, Changbin, Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Jeongin.

Seungmin and Changbin were holding each other in the water, paddling around and splashing each other. Chan and Felix were on the dock, chatting while their feet dangled into the water. Hyunjin and Jeongin were play fighting in the water.

Minho sat on a chair near the water, wearing a cute yellow tank-top and some black booty shorts. He was reading a book, as he didn't feel like swimming since he always hated the gross feeling afterwards. He always felt like he had to shower immediately afterwards.

Jisung swam over to where Changbin and Seungmin were basically flirting, as their shirtless torsos were pressed up against each other, whispering cute things to each other. Minho barely looked up from his book, only once or twice to check the location of Jisung, and to maybe check his body out a bit.

Minho looked up from his book once again but Jisung was no where to be seen. He felt himself being picked up from the seat by his arms and legs. As he was fully lifted up he tried to flail his arms and legs around, but failed. Seungmin took all the belongings he had on him, his phone, sunglasses, and book.

"Have fun!" Seungmin smiled, waving to him.

"W-What!?? L-Let me go Sungie!!! You too Changbin!!" Minho panicked, swinging his arms and legs as much as he could. They brought him to the dock, that Chan and Felix had abandoned apon request.

"One!" Jisung shouted.

"Two!" Changbin followed, they both started swinging Minho around.

"THREE!!!" They shouted in unison as Minho was dumped straight into the lake, screaming his lungs out.

"ASSHOLES!!!" Minho gasped as he resurfaced. "I need to go shower now! Uhg, Changbin you have the keys to the shower room, right? Let me in!!!"

"Alrighty," Changbin laughed. "You should have seen your face though!"

"Shut up, I'm pissed at all of you," Minho rolled his eyes as he got out of the lake. Changbin and him walked to the shower rooms so Minho could be let in. Changbin was apart of the camp counselor team, so he had all of the keys.

"Thanks Bin," Minho sighed.

"No problem, also sorry, it was Jisung's idea!" Changbin laughed.

"That's what I figured, I'm gonna beat his ass later," Minho laughed and walked into the showers as Changbin left. (Jokes on you Minho, Jisung is the only one that's gonna be beating any ass tonight lol)

Minho started the shower and stripped himself of his wet clothes.

"So gross, ewww!!" Minho squealed as he washed lake grass off of his body. He squeezed the bottle of shampoo onto his hand and massaged it through his hair. "Uhg! I smell like lake water~"

Minho washed the shampoo through his hair until he heard the door of the shower room open.

"H-Hello?" Minho asked. He got scared since the boys were still at the lake, so no one should need a shower right now. "I swear, if someone is trying to fucking prank me, I will hit them!! I just got dumped in a lake you asshole!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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