Naruto (btw the whole story is in one chapter) Sry -(~w~")-

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Naruto Fanfiction

Shinobi of Fire, Wind, & Ice

Chapter 1

In the vast Land of Fire, out in one of its many thick forests, there is a small village. It's like most villages, a place where people work their crafts and trade their goods. Unlike the countries glorious Konohagakure, most people don't know where this village is, and for a time, they did not even know it existed. The village was small and quite, and was naught but a small blip on most maps - if it was on those maps to begin with - and there was nothing quite of note about it. It was merely a line of houses, workshops, and a restaurant here and there on the sides of a long wide road that eventually led to the Land of Fire's hidden village. All that most people knew was just that some families left Konoha, either to get away from all the crazy destructive shinobi, or due to the terror of the Nine-tails attack on Konoha. These families stumbled across a secluded spot of land, and said "We shall build our quiet and secluded village here, free of the chaos of shinobi and tailed beasts, and we shall make it the most uninteresting and unremarkable village IN THE LAND!"

For a time, that's all that what was said about the village. It was dismissed as something as a backwater community and nicknamed "Komura," or "Little Village." Then, on one night, something happened that put the village on the map, literally. An event that nobody had expected.

It was a quiet night in Komura, children were slumping into bed after a long day of school, and shop-keepers were closing for the evening. It was a night like most any other night. It was peaceful, and a steady, cool breeze was beginning to pick up. But despite the villagers expectations, tonight would be different. Nobody in the village knew how it happened. To this day they debate fiercely on who to blame for the event that transpired. Some say it was the blacksmith who failed to fully extinguish his furnace. Some that it was a careless group of teens, having a late night campfire that quickly spread. Some say that it was simply a cruel act of some malevolent deity. But whatever the reason, that night, humble Komura was set ablaze.

Most of the villagers were taken completely by surprise. Out of nowhere, fires were spreading across rooftops and on the porches of their houses. In minutes, the night sky was lit by the raging crimson inferno. The villagers had little time to evacuate, having to leave with only the clothes on their backs. Little could be done to stop the blaze. Some men and women splashed buckets of water on what areas they could get near without fear of burning themselves. Their efforts proved futile, and all anyone could do was get their loved ones to safety. Fear was thick in the air that night, arguably even thicker than the smoke. It seemed that Komura was doomed. The villagers sat outside the reaches of the fire, waiting for when their homes and possessions would be reduced to piles of ash. But as they waited, all hope gone from their eyes, salvation came in the form of something the villagers least expected; a shinobi. In the darkness of the forest, some unknown traveler came forth.

He walked with a calm, yet confident pace. From looking at him, people could tell he was not any ordinary person. He wore a long black coat with a bright orange trim that flowed in the night breeze. His pants were deep gray, as were his sandals. His hands were covered by black, finger-less gloves, each with the metal piece that suggested a shinobi's presence to any commoner. On his back was a small bag that presumably carried what possessions he had. Most of his face was obscured by his jacket's large hood, and the rest seemed to be covered in an unusual shadow that mostly hid his features. As he came near the village, the people began to grow uneasy at this man's presence. They were already suffering enough, they didn't want this guy making things even worse for them! Who was he, and how dare he approach their homes with such calm footsteps!

One villager cried out "What the hell do you want!?" At this, the man stopped. His gaze, which had been solely focused on the burning Komura, slowly shifted towards the villagers. With a voice both strong, yet gentle, he spoke the only words those villagers ever heard from him.

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