Part 1

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Authors note: Check out my tiktok @sunnoosmoi for the trailer to this story.
28th April 2019

-school- Seoul city

That's the only word that can describe school.
I've been sat in this room full of all my bored classmates studying for our last test for almost 4 hours.
At this point I have no reason to be stressed.
But I am.
The only thing keeping me alive is boem next to me, my bestfriend. Even though We're not allowed to talk, passing notes is fun enough.
"How much do you wanna bet that if I throw this piece of paper at mrs hwangs face she'll let us out of here and give us a detention instead?" Whispered boem into my ear. I gave her a smirk and began to fold up the piece of paper.
Daniel, the boy behind me caught on to me and boems plan and agreed to join the bet. And with all my might, I threw the screwed up paper right at her square head.
She frowned her face and made an expression as if she'd just taken a whiff of blue cheese.

"WHO ON EARTH WAS THAT, SPEAK UP NOW CHILD" the broccoli from her lunch was seen by everyone in her wonky teeth whilst yelling.
Beom couldn't help but burst into laughing so I joined her, knowing this was about to go downhill.

It fucking worked. AHHAHQ
Daniel gave a jealous look to us as we excited the classroom.

We stood outside the door waiting for the witch to speak.
and just like that, me and boem spent the rest of the day in a room alone that miss rarely checked on, chatting like there was no tomorrow.

The bell went and we exited, ready to go home.
"Are you up for dinner later at daniels' mums restaurant"
Boem asked me, we hadn't been out for ages.
"Sure! I've missed the fried chicken"

Just as we were about to leave the gates, a boy I didn't recognise came up to us.
He turned to face me.

"Hi, I'm jungwon, you're in my science class.....
Um....... I just wanted to say you're really pretty and I'd love to become closer to you."

I was shocked. I'd never had someone confess to me like this before. I didn't know what to say but I saw boem next to me eyeing me as if she was going to burst out laughing.
"Uhm, I- that's very kind of you, Thankyou."
I paused because I didn't know what to say next and the boy started to look down, upset.
Suddenly boem spoke up.
"We're going out for dinner later! Why don't you join us???? I'm sure minji can give you her number so she can give you the address!"
What. Omg this girl loves drama a bit to much.
I gave her a shocked expression but I didn't really have any choice and gave the boy my number.
The boy then said Thankyou and walked away as me and boem made are way home and I parted ways with her.

29th April 1797
-Seoul forest-

Jungwon's pov

I woke up back in my bed, the light shining threw the curtains after waking up from my weird dream.
I heard jay call for breakfast and made my way downstairs to greet the rest of the boys.

I sat down at the gold dining table in the biggest room in the castle.
"You princes won't believe my dream from last night!" I exclaimed to them.
Niki started laughing,
"HA! Hyung why are you having dreams at your age?" He's so annoying.
"Shush Niki don't pretend like you don't dream about your teddies coming to life!" Spoke up heeseung making the whole table laugh apart from Niki.
"No but speak up jungwon, let's hear about it."
Jay asked.

"Okay don't judge me but basically, I was in this weird world where everyone wore all these bright colours in weird unformal clothes, and there was this girl, she was beautiful, the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. And I went up to her and confessed to her and she told me to meet her for dinner! And then......I woke up."

They all looked at me blankly.

"Well that was boring."
Spoke up sunghoon,

"Shut up, you just weren't in it so you don't understand!" I stood up and left the table.

But seriously....,,....... WHO was that girl?

19th April 2019

Seoul, city (minji)

It was getting dark whilst walking home.
That boy earlier was so random, but sweet. I'd never had someone come up to me like that.
He was pretty as well, he had cat shaped eyes, sharp features and dark black hair.
Then I remembered I had his number and I was supposed to give him the address of the restaurant.

I started texting him whilst walking through the trees
Contact: Yang jungwon

hello? Is this the boy from earlier?

Yang jungwon
• oh yes hi, sorry I didn't mean to appear weird earlier...

No omg don't worry you weren't at all :)

I turned around by the bus stop to cross the road, but I never lifted my head up from my phone.
Yang jungwon
I'm glad:) oh by the way
Watch where you're going ;)



I looked up , confused and concerned. But before I could turn my head to the right.
The deafening sound of breaking wheels ringed in my ears.
My life flashed before my eyes-
I couldn't move
And the car wasn't going to stop in time.

But I felt no impact
Sudden darkness.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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