1: Just Another Day

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Hello everyone! to all anime lovers first off you're all awesome second this is my first ever story so please be nice ;) also all characters belong to its rightful owner except my OC. Please remember to comment and vote, don't be shy if ya'll ain't liking it, tell me. The readers are always right!


My eyes quickly shot open hearing the alarm clock ring off startling me as I then kicked it off the shelf making a loud 'thud' sound as it hit the floor.

' Great that's like the 100th one this time' I quickly jumped off my bed making my way to the now shattered clock slowly picking up the shards that are left.


" Yo Scarlet you ok! I heard a noise so-" I watch my roommate Nichole stop midway through her sentence watching me with that 'Again' expression.

"Ah hell nah I ain't gonna buy you one again , if ya want to play karate do that somewhere else!" She said closing back the door

"Whatevs" I responded making my way to the living room seeing Emma at the couch watching tv with Nichole.

As I quickly made my way to the kitchen I can clearly here them squealing over some character.

" OMFG Nikki-San who do you like most?" Emma asked. She's my other roommate and also known as aka anime sidekick of Nichole. They like the best friends you could ever know, they share almost anything and everything which mostly irritates and freaks me out to the maximum.

I only know them because we're all in the same class together. To be honest from the day I've met them we've been inseparable but now I'm having doubts...

"Aaah! Why can't I marry Sebas-Chan!" Nichole yelled sobbing on the floor.

'Teenagers these day's ' I thought smiling before making my way to them.

" Wow sleeping beauty has finally awaken" Emma said mimicking one of the character's voice.

"Ya mean the kraken" Nichole then said moving her way back to the couch.

"Aren't you girls supposed to be studying?" I asked them from behind.

" Come on Scarlet ,what are you? William T. Spears It's the weekend come on take a seat and join the dark side we have cookies!" Nichole then grabbed a cookie out of nowhere handing it to me.

"No thanks we have exams in the next three weeks, at least try to take it serious!" I said taking a seat beside them.

"And what are you all watching ?" I asked before changing the channel.

"Emma get her!" Before I could even comprehend what's happening I'm being tackled to the floor with the remote grabbed out my hand.

"Yay!" They both yell in at the same time watching whatever it is.

"What the hell was that all about?!" I asked getting off the floor.

" Sorry Scarlet but it's ya own fault for changing the channel."

"Yeah we were right at the best part!"

"Which was?" I asked glaring at them.

"Though Sebastian beating the shit out of those kidnappers!"

'Why did I even asked'

Time Skips to evening;)

After finishing most of my studies I decided to listen to some music to kill time before going to bed.

Closing my eyes I started singing along to my favorite song (f/s) before being interrupted

"Ouccchhh!" I quickly sprung up from my bed face first to the floor.

"W-why..."I said in agony rubbing my forehead.

"Come on Scarlet that didn't hurt one ounce on ya, Emma and I are going to the store, ya need anything?" Nichole asked grabbing her purse.

" No it's fine" I said grabbing the edge of my bed to help me up.

"Ok bye Ms. Grumps be back soon! Love ya" She then said skipping her way out my room.

My eyes twitched as she left through the door. I then made my way to a mirror to check my face for any bruises before my eyes stumbles upon a picture of me with Nichole and Emma on our first days at the University.

' Even from that day I knew that they would be troublesome, but their still my friends either way.'

"In the end it's just another day..."

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