:。・:*:・゚'★,。・ 004

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the next morning when you arrived at school, all eyes were on you. why? you didn't know.

all you knew was that people were staring at you like you were some sort of virus and they didn't even bother hinding their whispers.

"i heard she started going out with midoriya"
"i heard so too!"
"she would go mental if she found out"

was what some of the people had to say. though you ignored it and went to your first class of the day. already tired of school.


your classes went by in a blur, you hardly payed attention though. seeing as the people had more to say about you than anything else.

then soon after lunch time came, which by far is your most favorite time of the school day.

you stood by your locker, putting the unnecessary textbooks that were in your school bag in there and trading them for you last few periods textbooks.

your locker was forcefully shut and you were met with the sight of an angry brunette with two girls standing behind her.

"is it true" she asked, confusing you

"is what true?" you asked back and she scoffed

it seemed as if this lovely conversation got the attention of the other students as they started circling you and the crazy brunette.

"you're going out with izuku! how could you!" she accused, which made you more confused

so you stopped her before she could continue her temper tantrum

"i'm sorry but i think you've got the wrong person. look girly im not dating him, im not even interested! so before you go around throwing false accusations at a new student i suggest you get your story straight. now if you don't mind i would like to go and enjoy lunch without you and your fake boob job in my way" you said giving her a 'polite' smile.

then you walked away leaving her and her two goons shell-shocked by your words.

as you entered the lunch room, you were approached by two girls. one of them had raven coloured hair and the other had dark purple hair.

"hi, sorry about her, she thinks she controls everyone" the raven-haired girl said and you nodded

"but what you said was so cool, nobody stands up to her" the other one said

"who is she even?" you asked and the raven-haired girl answered

"she is ochako uraraka"



well that was something😬

ok so before you attack me i know uraraka doesn't act that way in the anime i know she's a sweetheart and shit but today and for the rest of this book ochako uraraka is a bitch. we cool with that? cool.

also this wasn't proof read or edited

anyway i hope you enjoyed this chappy!

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐚 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 › i. midoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now