When I woke up the dinosaur was still there

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How the hell did this happen?!!

What even......

Oh wait... you don't know what even happened to lead to my current situation, do you? Well, I think it all started happening about a year ago, it all happened so suddenly that I....

Look at me talking in riddles again. I must sincerely apologise for this behaviour on my part. I know you want to help me, and you want me to tell you everything from start to finish but...

When did this even start?

I'm sorry I just feel so...confused. You want me to tell it to you slowly, piece by piece so we can connect it all together later? The reason why I sit before you here today?

Well, the first thing that comes to mind is all the strange things that started happening to me randomly one day. Initially I thought that what I was witnessing was reality but as time passed by, it felt like I was living in a world that was made exclusively for me. I know it sounds silly but...yes, of course I'm happy but this isn't reality, as you already know.

When did I start noticing these changes? Well, that's a specific question...no, no I have no complaints. I'm quite glad that you're asking me a question like that. Most of the other questions you could have asked me would make no sense at all considering the current situation.

I think it all started that one day. Being the young, miserly person that I am, well you can't not be miserly if you were earning what I earn but nevertheless, where were we? Ah yes, I was on a trip to South America. Why? Well, it was cheap, and I've always been the adventurous type, always fancied myself as an explorer recovering artifacts from lost civilizations and like any other famous explorer, I found myself lost. Plumb in the middle of trees, acres and acres of trees. I did what any other scavenger would do, walk until I find signs of civilization, either ancient or current.

"Just my luck", I thought to myself when I stumbled upon an old, abandoned cottage after walking for miles and miles in that sweltering heat. If I'm being honest with myself, I was really hoping that I would find the entrance to an old, undiscovered ruin, but I guess a cottage was just fine. I mean, the old place did have basic amenities, although it felt like someone had just up and left the place, a few years back. "Strange", I remember thinking to myself.... maybe. I'm not quite sure now, considering I know a lot more now than I knew back then.

Being the explorer that I am, as you already know by now, I decided to have a look through the place. I found a well-polished pipe on one of the tables. It was quite in contrast to the rest of the place. I sat myself down on the rocking chair, pipe in mouth, pretending to have a nice little swig of tobacco or however it is people consume tobacco, I don't smoke nor drink nor do drugs, so I don't exactly know either. Well anyway, I was rocking myself back and forth in this chair when suddenly, the chair gave way and broke down right in the middle, pushing me back with the momentum. I mean, what did I expect anyway? The chair seemed so old and rickety, it felt like it's rotten wood would break if I so much as touched it. But I took the risk anyway, you have to experience these things when you're in these situations.

What happened next is probably the reason I'm even talking to you right now. As I was pushed back from the chair, I fell into an old chest, broke right through that too. And there it lay, staring down at my face, with it's beady eyes.....

A plush doll!!!!



No that can't be right...was it a plush doll?

Now that I think about it, I didn't really have time to think about what on earth it was because as soon as that happened, the floor below gave way as well and I fell....

Where? Well of course....


I don't remember.

Yes, of course!!! I don't remember!

Why? Well because I woke up silly! What a stupid question to ask. No, no wait. That isn't it. I think that's when those strange things started to happen.

Because when I woke up the dinosaur was still there.

Yes! Now I remember. It was a plushie doll of a dinosaur. No, I'm sure of it, because the strange part was that that wasn't the only thing that was there when I woke up. A beautiful young girl, probably my age, yes of course I'm young. 32 is still young ok!! Well as I was saying, a beautiful, young girl was sleeping right next to me, and for the love of God, I could not remember who she was. I had never seen her before in my life, I swear. I tried to recall if I had visited the bar down the alley the previous night but my memories before that seemed so hazy...and there's the fact that no girl would ever want to even breathe the same air as me even if she was drunk. I still cannot forget the way I turned my house upside down after that because I found out that my parents, who were supposed to have died in a plane crash when I was 3 years old, were living with me and my supposed wife.

These people, whoever they are, managed to convince me that I had just had a bad dream, and it seemed that way because all my memories just somehow seemed to...fit. But these changes kept happening, day after day with the dinosaur also changing forms from a plush doll, as I had mentioned earlier, to a painting on the wall, to a toy that my children played with. One day I was a simple yet elegant businessman out in the boonies, living my best with my family and my farm, and the other day I was the CEO of my dream company, with a seemingly unlimited amount of money at my hands and an endless line of people wanting to meet me.

And then one day, I finally saw it. I saw what was happening when I fell asleep. It was the dinosaur. It somehow, took me to the past and made me do things that I would've normally never done before. I shot the fiancé of the girl that I loved, I drove straight through a business picnic hosted by my bosses and killed all of them before they could fire me. It was like I was doing it, but at the same time, I wasn't, like I was in the front seat of the best murder movie ever.

And then one day, I woke up here, bound in these chains and this straitjacket, which is by the way, quite uncomfortable. If you would be so kind to take this off me, I would be quite grateful.

Do I have an anger problem? No, of course not. I've never been known to be violent. What?! Who says so? No, I don't know why you're trying to provocate me but you as well as I, both know that it's false. I set my neighbours' house on fire and killed everyone inside? Well, I vaguely remember doing something like that but as I said, it wasn't me. What?! Even if I had a family, there's no way I would do such cruel things to them. No, no, no!!! I haven't done any of these things that you're accusing me of. Unhand me I say! Unhand me!

No wait! Where are you taking me?! No, I'm not finished, it was the dinosaur I tell you; it was the dinosaur all along! No, no!!!!!

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