Meet Again (ShikaNeji) {BoyxBoy}

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Okay so shikaneji for my darling Cindy. It's still unedited because NGraceW Is taking her sweet time with this whole editing thing. So sorry for the crap until she fixes it for me. Maybe the update will speed her up.

In anycase please enjoy and tell me what you think so I can try tto make it better. This is the first fanfiction I have posted so I could really use your help :3 

For the spng I literally looked up the story title on youtube and picked my favorite lol :3 

 And of course Naruto and it's characters don't belong to me :3 Though I mean that would be so kick ass But then I wouldn't be here Hehe




I moved my hand steadily along the letters on the page before me, doing my best to learn each line and curve. My grip tightened on the pencil as I heard a sigh from beside me. I looked to my left to see my seatmate had completed his letter assignment and was flipping through a picture book. I looked back down to my paper and forced my hand to make the shape of the R faster, doing my best to move ahead and do better than the one who sat next to me.

“Hey Neji, need any help?” I felt my eyes narrow as I turned to the boy next to me.

“No thanks Shikamaru I can do it.” I pushed my pencil back down to the paper and went on to my U’s hating how mine looked all wavy compared to Shikamaru’s straight ones.

I pushed my pencil down harder in hope of keeping the lines straight, only to have the lead snap and leave a large dark spot in the middle of my W. I felt my lip quiver at the unimpressive shape of my letters and the horrid dark color the broken lead left on my page. Tears began to sting the corner of my eye; I bit my lip to hold them back when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Neji.” I whipped my head away to hide my face, my shoulder length hair swiping across my neck.

“What do you want Shikamaru?” My words sounded harsh to my own ears, but I kept my back turned.

After a short pause I felt my hand picked up by another. It gripped my fingers tightly and I felt the burning in my eyes begin to go away as I turned back to the front. “Thanks.”

 “Neji. It’s time to wake.” I grumbled at the sound of the quiet voice coming from my doorway.

When I glanced up I saw my cousin standing just outside the door, her dark hair almost covering her pale lavender eyes.

I sat up and pushed a strand of my similarly colored hair away from my face. “Thank you for waking me Hinata.”

She nodded as she stepped into the room to set a towel on my dresser. “You’re welcome Neji. I heard you up late studying last night so I thought you might want to sleep in a bit.”

I looked over to notice that my alarm had been unplugged and picked my watch up from the nightstand, noticing she’d let me sleep in thirty minutes later than usual. I gave her a smile as I pushed my hair back with a crème headband that was lying on the floor next to my feet.

“Is your father still home?” She nodded her head slightly and turned to leave the room.

“He said he would be gone by the time you were ready and left money on the counter for our lunches.” She nodded her head as she left, closing the door behind her.

For a moment I continued to sit in my bed, staring at the open books on my desk and the rumpled clothing on the floor. I thought of my dream. I had been studying too hard last night. I couldn’t see any other reason to be remembering insignificant things from the past.

I rubbed at my eyes and stood up quickly from the bed, growing light headed by the movement. I blinked a couple of times to clear my vision and walked over to the wardrobe, opening it to pull a school uniform from inside.

 I inspected the wardrobe carefully as I admired the craftsmanship of the flowers my cousin had painted onto it. I recalled my first month of moving in with my uncle and his family. I had refused to unpack and left it empty for quite some time, unaware of the thought that had been put into it. When my uncle finally told me of my cousins hard work I was appalled with myself for ignoring their hospitality and quickly unpacked everything I owned, finally feeling at home in the large house that seemed to always be empty.

I piled my clothes on top of the towel and headed for the bathroom, taking a quick shower. I felt myself wake up as the first burst of cold water splashed onto my skin. A shiver ran down my spine as goose bumps crawled across my body. I scrubbed the shampoo into my scalp and relaxed as the apple scent filled the air.

A knock sounded on the door as I began to rub conditioner into the ends of my hair.

“Neji, sorry to disturb you but I was wondering if I left my phone in there?” Hinata’s soft voice came through the door to me and I looked out of the shower to the counter, finding the small pink phone next to my clothes.

I pulled my towel from the counter and wrapped it around my waist, drying my hands on it at the same time. I picked up the small phone just as it began to vibrate.

 I pulled open the door and handed it to her, my wet hair dripping on the phone and floor around us. “Sorry about that, someone’s calling you.”

She smiled and pulled the phone from my hand, she looked down and I watched a blush cross her cheeks before she put the phone to her ear. “N-Naruto?”

I felt my nose scrunch up at the sound of the annoying boys’ name that Hinata was currently infatuated with. I turned from her to shut the door on whatever irritating conversation was about to ensue and hopped back in the shower to rinse my hair as quickly as possible. Enjoying the now warm shower water against my skin. As I turned off and stepped out of the shower, I did my best to dry off with the already damp towel.

After I decided I wasn’t going to get any dryer I took my blow dryer from the drawer and began the slow process of drying my waist length hair, only drying it half way before I threw my headband back on and pulled it back into a low pony tail at the nape of my neck. I threw on the top part of my uniform and opened the door to find Hinata standing there with her hand poised to knock.

 “S-sorry I was just wondering if we could head to school a little early so I could help Naruto with his homework.” I rolled my eyes at the mention of the fools name but nodded my head.

“Of course, I’ll go grab my bags and keys. Would you mind getting me a granola bar for breakfast?” she nodded her head before skipping off down the hall, her uniform the same colors as mine, but swapped with a navy knee length skirt and a khaki colored polo.

I walked to my room and gathered my books into a worn out backpack. Stepping back out I closed the door to see Hinata coming up the stairs with a piece of toast in her hand. “We’re out of granola bars.”

I took the toast from her and bit into it, holding it in my mouth as I my grabbed keys from the hook outside my bedroom door. “Mmhhm?”

She sent me a confused look before pulling the toast from my mouth. “What?”

“Ready?” She nodded her head and flipped to go down the stairs, her long hair almost hitting me in the face.

I followed behind her with a sour look, not looking forward to spending the morning with Naruto and his friends. 

Meet Again (ShikaNeji) {BoyxBoy}Where stories live. Discover now