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Dreadful, yet it occurs again and again with no bound toward it. Nobody really cares about those pitiful innocent lives. What they care about is power.

To always stay on the top and have every control on the tip of their finger.

Birth of a hero, or we may say the trash of the count's family world isn't foreign to such topic.

After all, war is something that kept brewing in different kingdoms or empire.

May it be civil war or may it be war to conquer power from another kingdom. Clash and battles always brew passing each year.

Maybe it was the fault of those who wished to achieve something beyond imagination. Maybe it's just greed that lead people to follow that said person just so they could, as well gain more power.

Unknown to the fact that once the war begins, the powers of their noble title as well of their fraction supporter they collected would be of no use.

Maybe they were just dumb?

Or maybe this certain group of people were just to smart enough to know whats more important in war.

Cale and co.

The people who saved humanity from extinction. They saved the world that gods cherishes so much, they stoped a root that could cause a holy war- after all demonic beings were summoned as well.

For these group of heroic people, the god decided to reward them. A wish they would full fill.

"We want to meet Cale's former body's childhood self."

They were curious as to know how young Kim Rok Soo lived as a child. No- they as well wished to see how their benefactor and home looked like as a child.

"...Are you sure?"

The group nodded their heads. What could possibly go wrong?

"...He won't be able to stay here more then a month."

"That is fine." The group exclaimed. They knew that they wouldn't be able to keep the child with them for long anyways.

Plus, they have their Cale-nim by their side. The curiosity was what got them to wish for this.

"...Don't meddle too much."

Frowns rose on the faces of the companions as they looked at the sky in disbelief. The god were the one who proposed the idea of fulfilling the wish.

In a flick, the group started to shake as Cale rush down the stairs hoping all of his companions were safe.

The feeling was like an earthquake, yet Cale felt iffy.

'Is somebody trying to steal my slacker life again?'

The trembling came to an end as a light flashed in the middle of the room. A small boy of the age 9 got teleported in the room confused and scared as he was trying to figure out what was happening.

Cale froze as he saw his childhood self. His eyes locked with his younger self as the two were unable to say anything.

The child felt a sense if familiarity with the red hair male, yet he was confused how so. As he remembers, he never once saw this males face. Plus he looked like some foreigner.

As the two began a staring contest they never knew they took part in, the group surrounding the two gasped.

Their eyes trembled as they watched a skinny malnourished boy, whose cloths were torn and dirty.

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