Chapter one

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Miley's journey all begins in California with her kind and friendly two-legged owner Biff,
as she went through the cat-flap for her normal stroll she noticed an eary silence, and thats when she heard it. Low throbbing, howling moans, she went closer for she had never heard anything like it. A horrible sight met the corner of her eye, an outline of a horrible creature that had a very low tone indeed as it barked fearlessly at the full moon. Thats when its head turned and their eyes met for a split second and Miley knew no more.

Next thing Miley knew she had woken again and many feet above her a great giant falcon had risen ten, twenty, thirty feet into the air and had started a fast and graceful dive towards horrorstruck, Miley. Before she could even brainstorm what to do she heard a clattering of paws behind her. The falcon was closing on its hopeless prey, only five feet now but so was the other creature in the shadows.
something behind miley dived and she heard a deafening screech as one of the quarry thumped on the ground. miley opened her eyes a half octave and what she saw made her gape, open mouthed. there stood a beautiful golden tabby, on top of the corpse of the writhing falcon.

"Close call there, dear", she whispered into the night.
"Y-y-you were grand ,mam", stammered Miley, personally Miley had a good history and reputation for manners. They stared into the night for a while before she remembered home.
"Sorry i have to go now or i will be late for dinner-", she began.
"Where do you get dinner", she asked suspiciously.
"i get it from my owner", she admitted.
"What!", the ginger tabby said horrified, dont tell me your raised by humeons or what ever you call them.
"I am", she admitted unsurely wondering what was the crime in having a two-legged creature as an owner. The ginger tabby gave miley one searching look, then ran away into the midnight depth.
"Whats your name!", Miley half shouted after her, but too late, she had gone.

The next day, however, things got ever more gruesome and fatal.
The days greeting began with almost getting run over by one of those four wheeled animals two-legged creatures called cars, next she got kicked out of the house in the rain, for coming home sharp at midnight and waking up the neighbours with her loud hisses (that were here and the golden gingery tabby deep in conversation) the day could not get any worse until it did.

One full moon after Miley had talked with the wild cat a herd of eyes could be seen hiding behind the forest that their weiry discussion happened, they were, undoubtably cats eyes, for the shone brightly reflected against the pearly moonlight.
"Um, hey", miley whispered unsurely, moving towards the gazing eyes with a slow and hesitating pace.
"Why are you whispering", said a familiar voice from one of the cats", its me".
With that, the golden tabby came out of hiding.

"Its all right", she said to the worried eyes, and whistled.
The impact of this one sound was worrying, about two hundred cats scurried out of their well stabilised hiding spot. It was an oak that stabilised the drooped branches giving a big hiding spot indeed, big enough for three hundred cats to fit in!
"So what is your name", Miley finally asked.
"Ginger", the tabby replied", and I know exactly what your looking for".
She held out a golden object.
"What's that piece of metal", asked Miley, for she had never seen anything like it before.
"It's called a key", Ginger replied", keep it safe and it will show you the path you will lead for a good life".
"How long-", Miley began but ginger was gone.

Miley just sat there for another half hour holding the key before she realised it was time for breakfast. She trotted down the sloped path and stopped at the cat flap. It had a lock on it, remembering the key she poked it in the key whole and turned it forcefully a few times. At last it clicked and she hopped inside. This was odd, she never saw a lock on the outside of her flap. Had something happened when Ginger gave her the key, something that would change her life... Forever.

Miley dosed fitfully, remembering Ginger's voice, keep it safe, and it will show you the path for a good life. She arose in the afternoon with a weary expression and sunken, black eyes. She sagged up to her jug of milk and took a few sips. As she drank the warmth spread into her whole body.
It was by far the most satisfying feeling she had ever had in her whole life.
After that she went for a stroll. After hearing the click of the key she walked outside into the cold and misty atmosphere.

A few minutes later, however, the mist had gone.
Miley was not convinced that it was mist, though, for it had shone a bright pink and Miley was pretty certain that it was some sort of magic, then she realised that when she had dropped the key,
She picked it up once again and to her utter disappointment it did not become misty. She did not know what she had expected but she had had an inkling that this might happen sooner or later.

The next day, she went to the forest to search for ginger. She found the tabby sitting on a rock, this time accompanied with, not two hundred cats but just one. This cat looked like a youth, with broad shoulders he looked like a boulder towering over ginger and Miley.
"Oh, this is Garlic", said ginger watching Miley's gaze", he is my second in command and head of security.
"Why do you need roles?", asked Miley curiously.
"For our plague, of coarse", said Ginger said, suspiciously.
"Isn't that a disease", said Miley dazed and confused.

"No, silly", ginger whispered with a slight giggle", a plague is a team of cats, magic cats, would you like to join".
"I-I-I'm not a magic cat", Miley stammered.
"Suuuuuuuuuuuuuure", ginger sneered.
"There's nothing funny about it, I'm not joking there's nothing magical about me".
"Everything's magical about you".
With that Ginger and Garlic disappeared.

When she returned home it was around evening and her milk jug was already beside the fire side on her primrose pink mat. She settled very very quickly and almost fell asleep beneath the warmth of the the orange, yellow and scarlet dancing flames. At around dawn she fell into a dream full of the same colours red, yellow and orange, only to wake to find the the colours disappear in a field of merciless black (charcoal).
Where did the fire go?
Was there some humane power or magic behind this?

Personally Miley did not believe it but she could not help wondering whether or not biff had some behind that kind face of his kind face, full of life. Biff would normally disappear around 8:00 and only return at mid day (4:30). Could biff have many magical powers.
She slept a bit more and went outside for a stroll around the forest in search for Ginger and her body guard/companion Garlic.
It took her quite a while to find them, sitting bare foot an the roots of the same giant oak, the crowd were sitting over a week ago.

"Hello, friend", said the misty voice of Ginger.
"Sorry for not saying my name", Miley replied", I'm Miley, Miley Catwhip".
At that moment ginger gasped:
"So you are the one the prophecy has been taking about, why didn't you tell us".
"Sorry, but what prophecy", said Miley, startled", I'm not-".
But she did not have time to finish.

Miley's next journey takes part in the forest, where another creature lurks, apart from her, Ginger and Garlic. What could it be?...

But she did not finish, for at that moment a loud, familiar, earsplitting howl could be heard and the large dog came into the moonlight, towering over them like and omen... Of death.
Miley squealed and tried to run away, but something like courage rooted her to the spot.

She did not know what made her do it but she immediately held up the key to the huge dog's face.
A blast of green light, and the the dog was sent hurtling to the ground. Now it was Ginger's turn to compliment.

"Quick thinking, Miley", Ginger said, with relief that she had not been smashed by a giant wolf.
"I think I might just-", Miley made a paw movement to her house but ginger cut her short.
"No, don't go", Ginger said pleadingly.
"I'm sorry, but I have to go and have dinner, for it is getting really late", insisted Miley.
"Oh, fine, I guess your right", ginger replied sadly", but you don't know what your missing out on."
"Um, actually I think I do", Miley said intently.

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