Lost and found

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For the first time in many weeks she slept soundly.

She finally let go.

The fight to keep him from her...

From her mind.

From her thoughts.

The room was a dreamy purple-blue color in the darkness with only pale luminescent moonlight which streamed onto her face. She felt something graze that face... it was soft, like a scarf...

She reached up, grabbing what was actually a gloved hand. It caressed her cheek and she sighed against it, finding comfort in the touch. Suddenly, realizing someone was in fact in the room she opened her eyes and there he stood - Vader.

[Name] tried to sit up but he touched her shoulder, pushing her back onto the cushion and closed her eyes with his hand.

She felt herself panic and opened her eyes against the touch. But instead of Vader two Imperial troops with blasters strapped to their armour stood on both sides of her. One of the soldiers yanked the covers back and both grabbed one of her arms and pulled her from the bed.

"Lord Vader wishes to speak to you," one of the troopers said.

The other released her and tossed a cloak about her shoulders.

"My things-" [Name] protested.

"I don't think you'll be needing those," the trooper mocked.

"Not where she's going," the other replied.

[Name] was boarded onto the Executor.

Fitting name, she thought.

Amazingly, she wasn't afraid. Why? She and Clarme were the only two left alive. Bail Organa's security detail had been killed. The men refused to give up the senator's name. They died honorable, even if painful deaths.

She wondered if Vader interrogated them himself.

Two guards sat flanked at her sides. Why so many guards? she thought.

"Where's Vader?" [Name] asked.

"You'll see him soon enough."

"Please... where are you taking us?" [Name] looked at Clarme. The elder woman knitted a pair of tiny socks.

"Rea. You will see him when you get there."

Rea was a beautiful place. As beautiful as Naboo. Perhaps he wanted to capture the essence of what they had. She could live with that. But he could never replace Naboo in her heart.

The ship landed after days of travel. Troops walked her every step. [Name] hid herself, slinking even further into the cloak she wore. Vader said the price of losing her was death. She didn't understand the value he placed on her life. So many had died because of her already...a tear pricked the corner of her eye. Clarma, who sat across from her for most of the trip, reached forth, and cupped her chin. What would she ever do without Clarme?

The troops pulled [Name] to her feet, and walked both ladies toward the exit. The door opened, and the women descended the landing platform.

Off in the distance, an absorbing dark hole stood amid the light. Vader.

Why didn't he come to her? [Name] wondered. The troops pulled her away, taking both her and Clarme in the other direction.

Clarme looked over her shoulder at the Sith Lord, a gentle smile touching the corner of her mouth.

Vader had a special place in his heart for elderly women like Clarme. Women who reminded him of his mother. But he couldn't look at her, not now. Not after what they had done.

The troops escorted the two women to a bridge that extended across the ocean, right to its center where a tower stood. Their rooms were on the top floor and could only be reached by elevator - which required a security code to even use.

The troops separated [Name] and the elder woman but their rooms were only a few doors away from each other's.

[Name] sighed with relief. She needed Clarme. If Vader didn't understand then, he would understand how much soon enough.

The troops stood in [Name]'s doorway, leaving her to roam about.

"Lord Vader has left special instructions for you."

[Name] turned, a confused look on her face.

The troop held his head down, as though he'd suddenly become too embarrassed to even speak. "He left you these," the trooper said. "There's also something in the refresher for you."

He passed her a pile of undergarments and a sleeping gown.

"Thank you," [Name] replied. "Shall I expect to be in Lord Vader's company tonight?"

"We can't be sure, Milady. But you'll know soon enough."

Soon enough?

The troopers left. And for the first time in days, she was alone. Well, there couldn't be any worry of escape. Not from the top of a tower at the center of an ocean on an outer rim planet like Rea.

[Name] walked into the refresher, and found a basin full of steaming hot water. A bath! she thought happily, commencing to stripping out of her clothes.

She slipped a foot into the water and found small flower petals floating about. The water smelled good, and now, so did she.

She washed, letting the warm water run down her body as she squeezed a sponge over dirty hair.

Occasionally, she'd turn and look over her shoulder, with a sinking feeling that someone watched her. Only to dismiss the thought as paranoia, for Vader had yet to arrive.

But little did she know, he did watch. He watched as she slipped into the water, her backside facing him. He wished she'd turned his way even once as he peered through the dark plexiglass plastered wall to look at her.

As [Name] slid beneath the bubbles, she let her feet slip over the edge of the tub. What a spoiled wretched brat, he thought. Vader sat motionless, his heart aching, angry, daring to reach through the barrier to wrap his fingers around her scrawny neck.

LIAR! he thought. How could he ever forgive her? She betrayed him, after all. Told the leaders of Krune about his plans to invade. How many men did he lose that day? Were it not for his senses, he'd have lost his own head. And this is what she called love?

And then the dying words of the queen... it was a game, she said. And he lost!

He'd show her. He'd show them all. [Name] seduced him with the intent of getting close enough to spy on him, to keep an eye on the activities of the Empire and where they stood on Naboo. To distract him...

She was a Jedi, and yet, he'd let her live... because he loved her. He loved her for who she was, not because she looked like Padme. Because she was [Name], and he thought she loved him too.

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