The Pearl Clan's Guidance

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Rei gave a heavy sigh, his breath visible in the cool evening air of the Alabaster Icelands. The teen was currently sitting down in front of Lake Acuity, his eyes gazing absentmindedly at the home of Uxie at the lakes' center. The dwelling of Regigigas, Snowpoint Temple, stood tall to his backside, slowly being covered by falling snow.

He was left unbothered for the most part, the occasional Basculin popping in to curiously stare at Rei before going back to their own business. The reflex to throw a poke ball at them was tempting but Rei had already more than completed his pokedex entry for both Basculin and their more ferocious Basculegion form (both genders, obviously). And of course, if a more aggressive Pokémon were to turn up then the boy's Typhlosion would be more than willing to defend its trainer.

Lost in his own thoughts, Rei's hand clutched the bright red Origin Ball. To think such a small object could contain a deity, then again, he currently had two on his person. While encountering these same Legendary Pokémon in his own time, Rei couldn't help feeling empowered actually catching them this time.

But that really was the subject, his own time. While the wonder of being in Hisui remained, with the ancient setting and the completely new Pokémon, Rei's desire to return to Sinnoh remained. How could he not? He missed his mother, his best friend Barry, Professor Rowan and his assistant Dawn, at this point even seeing Looker would be appreciated.

What didn't help that desire was how many of the people of Hisui resembled his friends and former opponents. Rei constantly had to prevent himself from calling Akari "Dawn" or referring to Commander Kamado as "Professor", it was so much to handle at first.

And to top it all off, Volo...

Shaking his head, Rei shifted his gaze to the Origin Ball, "If you're the ruler of time, then do you remember our first meeting Dialga? The one this world has yet to witness, or is your own future impossible to see? Is Palkia somehow the same?"

The orb pulsed red briefly, as if acknowledging the question before fading back to normal.

Rei quirked an eyebrow, pondering if that was a real answer until his thoughts were interrupted by the call of a familiar voice.

"There you are Rei, I thought I spied you flying on the Diamond Clan's Braviary."

Looking up, Rei was surprised to see Irida approaching him, her Glaceon walking beside her. Upon noticing them, the Clan Leader's partner let out a small cry and pounced over, surprising Rei as the Pokémon curling herself into his seated lap.

As Rei nearly fell over from the Fresh Snow Pokémon's sudden affection, Irida let out a laugh, "It seems Glaceon really missed you. She hasn't seen you since the Galaxy Team's celebration party."

Finally adjusting to Glaceon on his lap, Rei replied, "To be fair, the next time we met was when we had to deal with Heatran. I don't think Glaceon would appreciate Firespit Island any more than you did."

At that remark, Irida immediately started to fan herself, "And I'd hate to put her through that! How Lina manages on that island, I don't think I can ever understand."

Rei chuckled at that; the Clan Leader's intolerance of heat was always an amusing sight. In a similar vein, Rei himself couldn't understand Irida's immunity to the cold. While everyone at the Pearl Settlement had appropriate attire for the icy environment (Rei himself was bundled in Jubilife Village's comfiest snow attire), she kept to the same outfit she always wears.

Irida's strapless shirt kept her shoulders completely exposed whilst her white shorts did little to conceal her slender legs. Her pale skin was left bare to the elements, almost glistening along with the snow surrounding them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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