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A/n: This is after had her full transition so Bosco's pronouns are She/Her in and out of drag everyone else will be She in drag and He out of drag. Also this is just simply fiction do not share with the queens because it can interfere with their actual lives.

Veronica’s POV: I was nervous. I’m new in my school and in the United States I have a working Visa and I have to go to get my green card today so I can stay here permanently. I was accepted to go to RuPaul’s House of Drag University. I’ve always wanted to meet him and now I will but I was confused as to why he wanted a female who’s not a drag queen to attend RuPaul’s House of Drag University. I will ask him about it when I get there. I walked into the office because I have been working in the United States so now that I’m getting my green card I can stay here permanently because I don’t wanna go back home to my mom. My dad is here and he’s a bounty hunter so yea I could always work for him. While I was waiting I called Leland my brother. “Come on pick up.” He answers “I said “Hey little bro. How’s Dad.” He said, “Hey V. I haven’t heard from you in a while.” I said “Yea well that’s because of mom and her new husband. Hey if I give you an address can you come over and just wait with me while I wait to get my green card. Also, don’t get ready just come over in like a T-shirt and some sweats without your mace pls.” He said “I will send me the address. Also are you ok? You seem like you’re hiding something.” I said “Um I’ll tell you when you get here. I will text you the address right now.” He said, “Ok I’ll be waiting.” I hung up and texted him the address and he said “I’ll be right there.” I waited and then I saw him walking up to the place. He walked in and said “Hey sis. What are you doing at the green card place.” I said, “Oh well since I lived with mom I got my working Visa while I had my jobs here and now I can live here.” The guy came out and I walked back with Leland and we got my green card and then I told him what happened at our mom's house and he was mad when I asked him if he could take me to the school address so I can get there and have him help me take my bags in there. He said “Anything for my sister.” I smiled and said “Oh don’t tell dad that I’m in town. In the letter, it says that you guys are going to give a speech at the school. I will pretend to run and you will catch me and carry me on stage and then I’ll say happy birthday dad and he will be so excited and so will Beth.” He said “Yea I like that. His birthday is on Saturday when we’re supposed to go and give the speech.” I said, “Ok so we’ll do it Saturday.” We pulled up to the school and I walked in with some of my bags I went to the front desk and the lady was Michelle Visage. I said “Hi I’m Veronica Chapman. I’m checking in. I got a letter from RuPaul saying that he was waiting for me.” Michelle said “Yea he will be right out to meet you. May I ask what he’s doing here.” She says pointing at Leland. I said, “Oh in the letter you said Dog the bounty hunter and his team are going to give a speech at the school on Saturday so this is Dog’s son Leland who is also my brother and I’m gonna surprise him on his birthday which is Saturday.” She said, “Oh I didn’t know I’m sorry Ms. Chapman.” I said, “It’s ok and please call me Veronica.” She nodded and smiled and I turned towards Leland and I said “I’ll see you on Saturday little bro. Remember don’t tell anyone in our family that I’m in town.” He hugged me and said, “Even though you’re my older sister let me know if guys get rough with you.” I punched him in the arm and said “Will do. Now get back to work. Those criminals won’t catch themselves.” He smiled and left and then I saw Michelle get up and walk to the office and said “RuPaul, Veronica is here. Can you come on out and I will take her to her room.” RuPaul said “Yes I’m coming right now. I’m planning on having them do something like a re-enactment of what happens when they catch a criminal.” When I heard that I called Leland and said “Ok on Saturday I will be wearing a brown sweater, black ripped jeans and my black boots, and some glasses so when you guys ask for a volunteer I will put my hand and you will call me to the stage and ask for my name and age. I’ll say I’m Vanessa and I’m 18 and then you’ll give me some instructions and I will do them and then when you fake arrest me I’ll put hands in my sleeves and when you move them to the front of me I’ll drop them on the floor and then you’ll say to dad and Beth and everyone else do you guys know who this is then I’ll take my glasses off and I’ll say Hi dad happy birthday.” He said, “Ok that’s a great idea.” I’ll call up the office of the school tomorrow and tell them that you and I are planning to surprise our dad with a birthday re-enactment of us catching a criminal.” I said “Ok. Oh, I got to go. Bye, little bro.” He hung up and I saw RuPaul and I said “Hi, I’m Veronica Chapman and I overheard you talking about how my dad Dog Chapman is coming to school on Saturday and me and my brother Leland who will join them decided that I will volunteer only because it’s my dad’s birthday on Saturday so we wanted the capture to be a surprise so I could surprise him on his birthday so I told Leland what I was gonna wear and what my fake name will be and how old I am. I would love to surprise him if that’s ok with you.” RuPaul said “Yea that’s okay with me. I know that you are not a drag queen but I was looking through Instagram and I saw you singing and when I dmed you and you told me what happened and how you wanted to meet me your mother told me how she thinks that the school of Drag will make you change your mind about being bisexual but I don’t think she read the fine print and I decided to write an acceptance letter so you can leave that toxic house and be free.” I started crying and I hugged RuPaul and I said “Thank you so much. You don’t know how much this means to me. I want to let you know that I like to sing so will it be ok if I use the auditorium to like you know have a place to let me be me when I’m in a certain mood.” RuPaul said, “You’re welcome and of course, you can use the auditorium whenever you’re in a certain mood even if you’re in a good mood you can use the auditorium.” I said “Ok. Thank you so much. Michelle, I'll help you with my stuff.” Michelle nodded and she whispered in my ear “''If anyone tries to mess with you let me know they’re all afraid of me.” I said, “I’ll think they’ll be more afraid of my brother and my mom and me but yea I’ll come find you.” She nodded. I asked Michelle, “Hey, how many people can fit in one dorm?” She said, “8 people because there are 4 sets of bunk beds.” I said “Oh ok. I hope I get a bottom bunk. I need it to charge my phone and my computer for when I’m making my music.” She said, “Ok I will tell the people you’re rooming with to let you have a bottom bunk.” I said “Ok. Thank you, Michelle. I appreciate it.” She said “No problem.” We walked toward my room and I saw a list of names on each of the doors. They were numbered so the first room had names. It said 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2022 ⏰

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