1 part i miss you

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Castaspellas pov: i can't believe  that shadow weaver is gone i love her  so much but she that left my. I thast run in my room and started crying  i wase sad and angry i miss her all time. Next moarning i woke up but I don't sleep weary well i can't stoop thinking  about her. Shadow weaver Shadow weaver ahhh i thast can't stoop crying. I'm going out from my room  i'm really tired my brother mihca is woarid about my. But what can I do i can't bring her back from death that is  really hard too my. Okey meybey i need to goo to the relax ok but I don't think that works.

No persons pov: After woar ended it's been two years ago but castaspella still missed something. She can't forget  about shadow weaver than one night castaspella was walking to the shadow weavers favorite place in mysacor she thats loking at garden and started crying. Then she heard ore see shadow weaver in the garden  so she started calling her name

Castaspella: shadow weaver it's that you 

Then someone responded

?? Yes it's my Shadow weaver

Castaspella:come out

Shadow weaver:okey but you must don't talk about wath you well be sey

Castaspella: okey  thast come out that i can see you  shadow weaver

Shadow weaver: okey but please don't be scared

Castaspella: STOP be such a idiot and  come out

Shadow weaver:okey

Wen castaspella se him she wase suprise and run and hug her and then. Then castaspella took off shadow weavers mask and she wase really surprised

Castaspella:shadow weaver is that real you with out mask

Shadow weaver: yes this is my with out mask

Castaspella: i..miss you shadow weaver wear your wase all these years wear

Shadow weaver: i miss you too castaspella  I'm sorry that i didn't write you ore tried to finde you

Well Shadow weaver all these two years she wase get in fight with her frends ore with hord prime. Okey after that wase end castaspella and shadow weaver was going out to castle and  thast walked in forest and castaspella don't wana lost  shadow weaver agen. So she took her hand and hug her and thast walked to forest to they favorite place and one moment shadow weaver give castaspella  a little flower and she actually was so happy that she kiss  shadow weaver on cheek. Wen they both wase that favorite place

Castaspella: this is like you toke my out to date

Shadow weaver: meybey but yes i haven't see you long time and i wase thinking about going to walk from places

Castaspella: waith are you doing this

Shadow weaver: because i love you castaspella and i don't laying you

Castaspella:i love you too shadow weaver thast please don't leave my alone ever again do you understood my

Shadow weaver:yes ofcors castaspella  i promise i don't go anywhere without

Castaspella:okey thast come litelbit closer and toke than stupid mask off

Shadow weaver: okey

After that shadow weaver took castaspellas arms around shadows wears neck and shadow weaver took her chin and put her lips on castaspellas lips and kiss wase really passionate kiss from shadow weaver

After that shadow weaver took castaspellas arms around shadows wears neck and shadow weaver took her chin and put her lips on castaspellas lips and kiss wase really passionate kiss from shadow weaver

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Shadow weaver: i love you castaspella  i never let you goo

Castaspella:i love you too

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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what happened with you  castaspella x shadow weaver Where stories live. Discover now