The Woman in the Wallpaper

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She saw me today. It was strange, being looked at. Surely she must think herself mad to see my prison move. I shake it every night, in hopes of making a grand escape. It's no use, however. If the woman on the other side wouldn’t mind giving it a tug from her side, my freedom is almost guaranteed. My sisters have all gone, leaving just me left for her to see.

    I hide when the man looks for me. He searches and searches my walls, but he cannot find my special hiding place! She can always find me though. My hiding place doesn’t shield me from her eyes like it does the man that comes to her.

    I always see the man give her something. I’m unsure of what vile thing he gives her, but it makes her sleep for many hours. I would stop the man if I could, but I have yet to make my way to any sort of exit from this disgustingly yellow penitentiary. The most my flattened existence can do is float between the patterns plastered on top of me.

    Last night something truly wonderful occurred. For a moment there, I had made my way, navigating the patterns that swirl all around me, and I had escaped to the floor! I creeped all around, careful to keep contact with my prison should someone attempt to see me and I'm forced to retreat into my cell.

    I can creep all around now, careful though as to not allow anyone to see my travels. She seems to know when I’m gone though. It bewilders me as to how she can tell through the twists and turns of my captivity, and come to the conclusion that I am not amongst it.

    She tried to tell the man about me. My hiding abilities seem to have paid off thus far, as he didn’t even try to indulge her before interrupting and suggesting a prescription for more rest.

    She watches me more now. As I float behind the confusing pattern that lay over me, her eyes follow. I believe she has come to the abrupt realization that I am trapped. Who would want to live inside this putrid shade of yellow wallpaper?

    I watch as her fingers trace the seams of the paper that holds me captive. She began to slowly peel away the jailhouse I have called home for what felt like eons. It was as if that first tear was an elixir of life, for she began clawing at the wallpaper soon after! One piece after another. The walls shedding the awful yellow that held me in for so long and revealing the wondrous shade of dark brown beneath it. 

    I could feel my freedom, it was truly within reach! The more she removed the louder I tried to cheer her on! She struggled to reach the final piece on the wall, she was slowed by her lack of height, but she managed to remove the final section.

    I lunged out from my captivity and landed right on top of her. Exhaustion was like a blanket that lay over her body, and she couldn’t even fight me as I began what I had planned to do from the start. The yellow that was painted over me slithered off of my body and onto hers. There was nothing holding me back now. I could capture a new vessel. And in her weakened state, it wasn’t difficult. 

    It had been so long since I was at the helm of such a large body. While adjusting and getting comfortable, her body seemed to only want to creep such as I did. She swirled the walls, careful to keep contact with the previously yellow walls. 

    The man that was in charge of her care managed to get in, despite my locks and barricades on the door. Luckily, he fainted at the sight of his patient launching herself out of the bedroom window, and into the night. 

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