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A U T H O R ' S N O T E

There is always someone out there, someone with less, someone different, someone with a painful past and a doubtfull future.

There will always be someone out there with hopes and dreams and crushed lives: victims, people harmed, people hurt, people bleeding. There will always be someone wondering "what did they do wrong, what did they do to deserve this?"

For me, having painful memories is a part of life. Everyone has something buried deep within their hearts.

Within their souls.

These stories are a way for me to reflect on my own life, and a way for me to cope with the terrors of the world, the pains people feel, the turnings of the continents surrounding me. I hope, with these novellas, that you, too, will reflect and think and wonder, and maybe write down some of your own sorrows.



Some hearts reach out forever,

Yet together cannot beat,

Like days that long to kiss the night,

But were never made to meet.

- Erin Hanson

Every single person has at least one secret that would break your heart.

- Quote by Frank Warren



The sand slipped through her fingers, slowly, and she let it. It was like watching the night sky, or perhaps a flickering flame, the way it mesmerized her.

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I have always looked up at the night sky, saying my prayers to the whole world rather than just to my bedroom walls. A whole universe exists up there, new life, new beginnings. The stars shine so brightly.



Between out hands is a collection of short stories I write. I hope that by reading them, you can understand some of your own sorrows as well as some of mine.

The novellas don't have anything in common (characters, relationships, places etc.), and by that I mean that they do not know each other. Quite possibly they live in different universes, and will never meet (unless I fall in love with one of them, and let's be honest - that will happen).

The themes will vary, everything from romance to drama to yuri to winter, and sometimes, at the bottom of the chapter, i will write a prompt or a challange i used to write the text (you can use those too, not going to stop you there). Mostly though, these stories will be from school-work...

If you want to contact me conserning this collection, or if you want to give me a challange or you want me to write about something spesific, just send me a message. Don't be a stranger!

s t a t u s :

Ongoing (started april 2015)

d i s c l a m e r :

I do not own the poem written above, nor do I own the quote - all rights goes to the respectful owners.

I do not own the piture used on the cover - all rights goes to the respecful owner.


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