Connor Franta

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Connor picks you up from your guy's apartment after he gets done with work. You get in his jeep and he starts to drive somewhere. You say "babe where are we going?" He says" don't worry you'll love it." You say "okay babe I love you." "I love you too." You start to doze off and you fully go to sleep. He thinks your so cute when you sleep. *hehe* He wakes you up when you get there. He tells you to put on a blindfold. *you do so* You get out of the car with Connors help and you start walking on what feels like grass and there is a light breeze. As he's walking you to it you feel his lips leaving small, soft, wet kisses on your neck. He sits you down on what seems like a blanket. He uncovers your eyes and you see grapes, pineapples, strawberries, two sandwiches, and of course the drink is a milkshake with two straws in it. ;) you say "awe babe you didn't have to do all this." and he replied with "yes I did baby because you are the sweetest and sexiest girl I've ever met I don't know what I'd be doing with out you." You started to blush at his words because they were so cute and sweet. But you were about to lean in and kiss him but he stands you two up he reaches for something in his pocket he gets on one knee and says "(y/n) will you marry me?" You start to cry with tears of joy and you say "yes"

You tuber imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora