02 ; ii. ━

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LOVE NOTES© naijmi , hoyoverse

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© naijmi , hoyoverse


dec. 02 , fri.

❝ ━ THE NEXT DAY has started, the bright sun flashing into the eyes of every student. scaramouche and [name] had stayed up late texting each other and playing game pigeon, but he didnt mind staying up late for him. his sleep schedule was one of the few things he was willing to sacrifice for him.

although scaramouche had stayed up late, he had gotten up early to place the letter inside of [name]s locker. even though [name] had literally begged him to go to sleep, he just couldnt get the thought of the letter out of his stupid mind.

whilst walking down the halls he had spotted no witnesses, so he took this opportunity to strike. he had decorated the letter with his favorite color, as he knew he was really serious about aesthetics. he then looked around one last time before finally slipping the love note in there, the sound of the letter collapsing making his heart beat even faster.

right as scaramouche was about to walk away a, certain somebody had called out to him. "scara! wait up will you?" a certain [hair color] yells out while trying their utter best to carry everything placed inside his hands. scaramouche didnt spare a single second thought if he should stop or not, he simply just stopped the minute he heard him.

"you seem to be carrying a bunch, here let me help." scaramouche exclaims rushing to aid his best friend, sometimes it hurt saying that he was only his best friend. as the two walk together to their next class, which was english, scaramouche decides to ask a question.

"this is the project youre presenting today, right?" no way scaramouche would forget about his project, not when they did it together in their free time. sure it took many planning and finally sneaking out the house, but it was worth it in the end, right?

"this isn't too heavy for you right?" [name] questions scaramouche, making him tilt his head a bit to the side. "no? why are you asking?" scaramouche says in confusion. "i forgot my script in my locker, do you mind carrying this to room A-3?" in all honesty, the project was pretty heavy, even with [name]s help.

[name] then sprinted to his locker, trying to find his script, but while scaramouche was struggling with carrying the project; he had totally forgotten about the letter he had placed. i guess his mind was way too focused on [name].

after some time scaramouche had finally reached room A-3, once he set the project down he was sweating bullets. he then took a seat at his and [name]s table. when all of a sudden the door swings open making scaramouche jump a bit due to the loud noise.

LOVE NOTES ━━  scaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now