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Avery Harrow is one of the most popular girls at Wesley Park High School. Everybody knows her name, especially since she started dating the sexy jock and got caught making out in the darkroom in her photography class. She is almost definitely going to be the prom queen, and just couldn't imagine how anything could ruin her picture perfect life, until she starts reading other people's minds. And unfortunately for Avery, her life is about to turn completely upside down.

She finds herself in a completely different world, possessing powers she never thought could exist. But there's something different about Avery, and it's only a matter of time before a dark force wants to use this against the new world she has begun to call home, and the boy she may have fallen for.

(A/N: it's baaaack!!!! for those of you who have been following me for over a year, you would probably remember this story. i took it down because i wanted to focus completely on the timekeeper and was going to come back to this story after the timekeeper was finished, and i edited and worked on this story a little more. and now that the timekeeper is pretty much complete, i decided it was time to work on this bad boy.
if you read this story previously, i must say that it has changed quite a bit since then so it will be pretty different from what you might remember. i'm so excited for this story/trilogy/series (i'm still unsure of how many books will be written) as it's my first fantasy story and will be my first attempt at writing in third person, so let's hope it turns out how i want it to!
i hope you enjoy the story! xxx)

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