Chapter 11

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Wolfpaw found herself in a dream. She was at the clearing with four oak trees. Wolfpaw remembered this place from her other dream. She was confused, why was she here again? She glanced around the clearing to see if anything was different from last time but Wolfpaw didn't know this place very well so she didn't know if anything was different. 

"Welcome back Wolfpaw" A voice mewed nearby. Wolfpaw remembered this voice from the last time she had a dream like this. "Why am I here?" Wolfpaw asked, glancing around the clearing for a cat. Then a brown cat stepped out from the trees. Wolfpaw didn't recognize him. The brown tom sat down and curled his tail over his front paws. "Who are you?" Wolfpaw asked, the tom kept quiet for a moment like he was thinking of something to say.

"My name is Falconsong" he mewed, Wolfpaw didn't recognize the name. "I was a DuskClan cat before you joined the clan. I was DuskClans deputy before Starwing" Falconsong told her. "Why am I here?" Wolfpaw asked again. "Your here because we have a prophecy for you" the voice mewed that could not be seen. Falconsong nodded but then turned to look behind him. Falconsong mewed something but Wolfpaw didn't catch what he said.

Falconsong turned back to Wolfpaw. "All blood relatives must become one if the clans are to survive" Falconsong mewed before fading away. Wolfpaw was shocked and confused. Why did Falconsong give her a prophecy? "Wolfpaw you mustn't tell anyone about this prophecy only your blood relatives are allowed to know" the voice meowed. "Blood relatives... that's right, Falconpaw and Silverpaw can I tell them?" Wolfpaw asked. "Yes but they must be told last" Wolfpaw was confused what did she mean by last?

"What do you mean by last?" Wolfpaw asked but the voice was gone. Wolfpaw sat down and curled her tail over her front paws. 'What did she mean by they must be told last?" She asked herself in her mind. "Wolfpaw..." A whisper was heard, Wolfpaws ears pricked. She looked around the clearing, she spotted a white pelt run through the trees. Wolfpaw got up and listened for movement. She heard paw steps running through the trees and the rustling of the bushes as the cat passed. She spotted the white pelt again and pelted after it. The cat was running through the trees at a fast pace. Wolfpaw was hard on its heels.

Wolfpaw didn't even realize that they had left the forest and were now running in a field. Wolfpaw skidded to a halt when she saw that the cat had stopped. Wolfpaw was out of breath and it looked as tho the white cat was too. "Who are you?" Wolfpaw asked panting. The white cat turned to face Wolfpaw. She had light blue eyes and grey whiskers. Wolfpaw also noticed a star on her left front paw. Wolfpaw stared in shock.

Wolfpaw's gaze was glued to the star until she looked the white cat straight in the eyes. "A...are you Snow~whisker, mother?" Wolfpaw asked, the white cat stared at Wolfpaw in shock. Then smiled, and nodded. "Wolf... you've grown so much..." the cat mewed. Wolfpaw shed a tear then walked over and tapped her nose to her mother's. "Snow~whisker... I...I don't know what to say..." Wolfpaw was just in shock.

Snow~whisker licked Wolfpaw on the head. "How's Falcon and Silver?" Snow~whisker asked, "Their good, guess what... we're apprentices!" Wolfpaw mewed, Snow~whisker shed a tear. "I'm so proud of all of you... now I must go" Snow~whisker told her daughter. Wolfpaw was in shock, "No wait!" Wolfpaw growled. Snow~whisker paused and turned to face Wolfpaw.

"What is it, Wolf?" Snow~whisker mewed. Wolfpaw shed a single tear, "Thanks for talking with me... mum..." Snow~whisker smiled, "No problem... my daughter..." Snow~whisker meowed then faded away. Wolfpaw smiled and then heard more movement. She turned and saw a black cat come out of the trees and stood in front of Wolfpaw. Wolfpaw knew who this was. "Hey, father" Wolfpaw mewed. The black tom smiled, "well it seems you have met your mother" the tom mewed. Wolfpaw nodded, "yes I've met a lot of cats tonight" Wolfpaw meowed. The tom nodded, "you met Falconsong and Snow~whisker and you already know me so yeah" the tom mewed.

"Shadow, what does the prophecy mean?" Wolfpaw asked, Shadow's gaze didn't change. "I can not tell you, you will have to figure it out on your own" Shadow told her, Wolfpaw understood that but she didn't understand how Shadow even knew of the prophecy. "It's time to wake up Wolf... or Wolfpaw now" Wolfpaw shed a tear, "goodbye father" Wolfpaw meowed, "goodbye Wolfpaw" Shadow meowed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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