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I rubbed the bridge of my nose as I let out a heavy sigh, looking over the two boys passed out on the couch, the glares and passive glances of three other sets of eyes felt as though they were penetrating my skin meanwhile.

So much for a nice evening outing.

I shook my head at my own inner thoughts as I ran a hand through my hair. I tried to groan in relief when Deane made his way down the stairs and over to the entrance of the sitting room.

"Everything has been prepared." He started after clearing his throat, catching the attention of everyone in the room although his eyes remained specifically on me. "The nurse and a doctor will be here in the morning to check on the two boys. She said for now to give them light meals and allow them to rest after being bathed, Trina has gone to fetch toiletries for their usage." He finished with a slight bow before leaving towards the other side of the house.

I leaned back into the couch and almost began resting my self until a male voice cut through the silence. "Must be nice having all that money at your disposal, huh?"

I looked up again and found the tallest blonde male staring at me with a raised brow, his words mocking and his question clearly rhetorical.

I sighed and sat up properly with a shake of my head. "It's convenient when it's convenient, and not convenient when it isn't." I said simply with a small shrug, smoothing out a crease in my pants as I gauged his reaction to my comment.

The man's face twisted up in confusion as he tilted his head. "Stop talking in tongues, you weirdo," he grumbled out as he crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

I tried to fight the smile that almost stretched across my face. "I'm sorry," I started, lightly chuckling at my own words. "I don't want any problems or anything, okay? I simply want to make sure those two are going to be okay."

He scoffed in disdain, clearly not amused or pleased with my response. "Yeah, well leave us out of it next time," he huffed after glancing at the two unconscious boys on the couch beside him and the other two, who were both strangely silent but never stopped eyeing me.

"Look, your buddy Remy accidentally ran into me and they both fell pretty hard, your other friend passed out on the spot. He," I pointed at Remy, "had a pretty bad panic attack and wouldn't calm down or let me help him until I helped find the rest of you. Hate me all you want but I seriously just wanted you all out of danger."

The other two silent boys looked at each other before they both glanced at the blonde, who shot a glare at them, until the tallest of them spoke up. "Why did you buy us if you supposedly don't plan on doing anything..." he questioned suspiciously and I couldn't help the sigh that left my lips.

I felt like I've been sighing all day. "Well, I'm sure no one wants to deal with an angry pimp for the rest of their lives." The blonde rolled his eyes at me again but slumped in his spot as he practically sulked. "And from my perspective, it wouldn't be fair of me to just call the police on him and have everyone arrested for doing something they've been forced into their whole lives."

The one who questioned me just shrugged and started zoning out, clearly exhausted from whatever the hell they just went through.

"Granger," I glanced over at Deane who called my name before he appeared back in the entrance of the sitting room. "Food has been prepared if you would like to bring them to eat," was all he said before swiftly taking his leave from our sight once more.

"I'm sure you're not really up to moving around much right now so I'll just have them bring it to you, okay?" I asked the silent three staring at me from their spots on the couch.

The blonde just waved his hand dismissively, "whatever," he grunted and I turned around before he could see me smile.

He was so determined to argue me down about any and everything before. I guess he was too tired now to even bother to continue his incessant bickering. Fine with me.

I made my way into the kitchen and threw on a little smile as Rose and Milly greeted me from across the island counter. "Please help me take this out to them, I don't think they feel comfortable leaving their friends until they wake up again."

The women both smiled and chorused their agreements as they helped me bring the food and some foldable trays out of the kitchen pantry and into the large sitting room.

Maybe they could find comfort in something on the tv as they indulged in their meals. It would help pass some time too instead of sitting there and staring at nothing in particular.

I hummed to myself before coming to a decision.


☕︎Vacancy☕︎ ~Reupload~Where stories live. Discover now