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"Are you sure this is what you want, Granger?" I nodded as the butler, Deane, and I stood and watched the cooks that we'd recently hired prepare breakfast for the boys who were all still upstairs in their rooms.

It had been three days since that night that I helped them and it made me happy that they had finally begun to trust me enough to be around them and not hurt them for the time being.

I turned to Deane who stood tall with his hands clasped behind his back and we made eye-contact before dropping it and glancing elsewhere. "I wouldn't have it any other way. I just hope that they can learn to trust me."

He nodded once, turning to me. "Very well, then." And with that, he turned around and left the kitchen area.

I stood and watched the cooks at work for a short while longer before quickly growing disinterested and making my way to the nearest staircase leading me towards the bedrooms.

As soon as I had rounded the corner, I felt a smaller body collide into mine, squeaking in surprise and nearly falling until I caught them by the shoulders. Looking down, I recognized that it was Remy, a really short redhead who I had already bumped into three more times before.

I chuckled softly and smiled down at him while his cheeks flared up and he looked down at our feet. "I-I'm sorry, I'm really clumsy.." He was very soft-spoken but he had such a sweet higher-pitched voice that wasn't annoying at all.

"It's fine, I wasn't paying any attention either." I tried to calm him with a reassuring hand on his shoulder as his breathing evened out a bit more and he smiled nervously up at me, more of an anxious tug at the very corner of his lips.

The sweater he wore practically drowned him and the sleeves fell over his small hands as sweater paws. He brushed wild locks of his hair back from his face with his small hands.

"Are you doing okay? Did you need anything?" I asked him softly because over the past few days, much like the others, he usually stayed in his room until I called them out for meal time or to go and get something done.

He quickly shook his head no and returned his gaze to his feet, nervously playing with the frayed ends of his sleeves.

"I-I went to g-go find you because... Because um.." He grimaced at himself for stuttering before looking up at me and trying to speak again. "C-cause I don't like being alone... It's scary..."

He sniffed and played with his sleeves again, nervously swaying and looking anywhere but making direct eye-contact with me.

"Would you like to stay with me then?" I asked him gently, not mentioning the way his eyes brightened a little and almost smiling at how relieved he looked as he shook his head yes and bit his lip. "Later on today, I've asked a doctor to come in and give you all checkups and everything. Take your temperatures, vitals, and get some blood work done. Just to run some tests and things like that to ensure you're healthy and everything before we take you out to get new clothing and whatever."

He nodded along as I spoke and followed me down the hallway to the master bedroom where I grabbed my computer, checkbook, and phone all before leaving the room again.

Remy's room was the closest to mine as per his request so I walked to the next door down and knocked gently. Shuffling was heard on the other side of the door and then the turning of the door knob sounded before a head full of long and curly honey-blonde hair and cautious blue eyes landed on the both of us.

"Good morning, Fenry," I spoke softly as he looked between Remy, who was hiding slightly behind me, and I.

"Morning." He said back simply as he slowly came out from behind the door in a big t-shirt and plaid pajama bottoms. Both Remy and Fenry borrowed some clothes from me for now because Fenry had bruises on his legs and Remy had cuts between his legs that I had Deane help me treat when the boys had first arrived home.

Deane had advised me to speak a bit softer and not to make any really sudden noises until they settled in a lot more for the sake of preventing anyone from getting triggered. He had even directed the cooks to make really light foods that were easy to digest and some snacks to help cleanse and rejuvenate.

The first two days were a bit rough. None of them wanted to be around each other or me for that matter, Dubai wouldn't leave the room at all the first day and Caylen wouldn't even eat anything at all until yesterday when he at least started accepting the snacks and he was drinking plenty of water and Gatorade. Fenry and Toronto ate on their own at least and Remy had just kind of been my shadow.

He was the first to really get comfortable around me a bit, so he follows me around and helps me with whatever it is that I'm doing. He only talks if no one else is around me and he eats when I eat so I make sure I eat right after the other boys so he isn't too off-schedule from everyone. 

Remy says that he trusts me because his first day here, he had a huge panic attack and couldn't breathe. He said that no one had ever calmed him down as fast as I could from one, and that assured him that he was safe and comfortable here.

He had also opened up a bit more and told me that they all knew each other. Just not too personally. They were all raised in the same house together and Toronto had actually been in charge of babysitting him, Fenry, and Dubai before. They were all born to prostitution in the same house that was raided not too long ago for the younger boys, where Toronto and Caylen had been pushed into the 'business' earlier on.

There was a time in my life where I was so secluded from the rest of the world, that I  never even thought that I would actually meet prostitutes, let alone all males.

But I did.

I met five of them.

And I saved them.

They deserve to live a normal, happier life and that was exactly what I hoped to provide them with.


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