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Slight Trigger Warning?? Please be careful though at any point in this book 🤷

After a long day of getting exams and shopping, it was clear that everyone else was tired. Fenry couldn't stop bouncing around everywhere and trying to look at everything, Granger was tired from chasing him all over and trying to keep him from hurting himself the many times that Fenry happened to trip. Dubai was exhausted with the amount of walking we had to do in order to get from place to place. Toronto was encouraging Fenry to be wild and Caylen looked as though he hadn't slept at all.

I, on the other hand, considered myself relatively fine albeit being a bit annoyed and then amused throughout the day.

It was bittersweet how much patience and kindness Granger had, almost surreal. When you grow up surrounded by pimps and prostitutes, you learn everything so early. Anatomy, self-defense, how to trick and pull. How to lure men into your trap and keep them wanting more so they pay you more.

And to never let them have anything before they pay.

But it wasn't always an easy thing to do. Not at all. Especially when you're smaller, a bit malnourished. It's harder to fight them off if they do too much. If they're being too rough. If they're taking more than what they're paying you for.

And there was no asking for help as long as they paid. They could do whatever. And no one would save you.

You get paid to be a whore and let men and women take advantage of you.

A saying that's been engraved into our heads since we were just little boys.

When you're younger, you get a break. You only have to handle the blowjobs and handjobs. We're taught to have a man unravel in our hands at the age of six. Taught how to orally please a man at the age of seven. But you have to deal with always getting raped and even robbed and you're taught to just take it. To not complain. To not cry too loudly. To not fight back. All of this because we were boys.

We weren't being protected like all of the women. And our mothers were so drugged up, they couldn't even remember our names, our faces. Who we were. We were little boys. We had to fend for ourselves. We had to find our own shelter. We only kept a third of what we made for that day. So if we had no business, there was no break. We had to work or we'd never eat, never have clothes on our backs.

Sometimes, we'd take on groupies just to make extra earnings.

We had to learn that nothing in life was free the hard way.

There used to be a lot more of us. So many more. But if you didn't pay your dues, you were killed. If you didn't have a pimp, you were killed. If no one knew your upbringing, you were killed. You killed or ran off the turf or you killed yourself. And that was the harsh reality of it all. Death was your only way out. Otherwise, you'd be tormented your entire life. You'd always manage to find your way back into the vile midst of the very things you tried so hard to escape.

Maybe that was why it was so easy to trust Granger. You could sense no ill intention from him. He was sincere and so much more down to Earth than you would pick up on at first glance. He had opened his arms widely to a group of younger male prostitutes. And he helped us pay our way out. Saved us from the hell that had to be our childhood and could have been our adulthood too. For a few of us, it almost was adulthood. It was our lives. All that we've ever known and Granger was the kind soul that wanted to change that for us.

Maybe, it was actually time for us to be free.

Maybe he was that chance at a normal life. Or, as normal as it could possibly get from here on out.

Maybe he was sent to save us.



After an exhausting few hours of chasing Fenry down, who acted more like a toddler than most children I knew did, my chauffeur, Xenus took us all back to my home and we started setting up for dinner.

All of the guys went off in their separate ways to put away their belongings and Remy was sitting on one of the comfy lounge chairs in my room, tucked into himself with his knees to his chest as he watched me arrange things around my room again.

It was strange how quickly I was getting attached to Remy.

He wanted to always be at my side for everything and I found myself not minding that he was there. He was so sweet and quiet, especially around others and then with me, it was as though that clingy inner child in him had finally been set free.

I was happy to be able to even see him smile from time to time and he was so gracious and grateful with things. Contradictory to his explosive emotional behavior.

It truly made me happy to know that I was no longer sharing my home to myself. It was so much more lively around here. And although the atmosphere may have been tense at times, it was really comforting to know that I had them here with me in my personal living space where they at least felt safe enough to trust me around them.

Hopefully, someday soon, they'll finally open up and be themselves again.

I could only hope for the very best.


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