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"Oh, you're such an angel!" I bemusedly watched one of Granger's maids pinch at the hollowed cheeks of a blushing Fenry.

He giggled and let a small smile grace his face as he looked at her while his legs swung from the counter in the kitchen. Fenry truly looked younger than he was and for whatever reason, it made me happy that he was at least becoming himself again.

Fenry and I were eating cereal while the others were upstairs doing lord-knows-what. They still really had yet to come out of their shells. And I was fine with spending some time with Fenry. You were sure to never get bored of him, albeit a bit annoyed perhaps. But that was more than typical anyway when dealing with a somewhat younger boy yet to find his bought of maturity.

At least his personality and behavior well suited his feminine-esque and childlike features.

Fenry and I were always a bit closer anyway, and maybe that was because he was a bit younger than me. Our mothers were childhood friends and according to other women around us, they were abducted together and hard to separate when they were younger.

Of course, unless we get paternity tests done, some of us were never going to know who our fathers were. And I don't know how many of the other guys felt about that in particular, but I was perfectly okay with that.

I didn't want to know the man who had put me through hell. My father would remain a faceless, nameless figure who I had grown to hold much resentment for as a young child.

Fenry and I had grown closer together as the years went by. it was way too often that I saw him working the same street or block as I. Fenry has always been friendly and bubbly and clearly more intact with the child still roaring inside of him. But beyond the mask he always wore, you saw a broken little boy who was hurt by everyone that a little boy is supposed to learn to love, as he was betrayed by those he'd always hope to grow with. By those he'd thought would be there forever.

It was the most strange thing to grow up only truly remembering less than half of your childhood, and knowing that the most traumatic events were the ones that stuck the most. The memories that were always more prominent in the forefront of your mind where a boy as young as we should only be dreaming about finishing school or having an amazing career. Partying or working or living their life to the fullest. Not wasting a moment missing all of the bittersweet moments that you never had. The bittersweet moments that you'll never get back.

It's hard to have to live your entire life in fear and hatred while most little boys were giggling about kissing girls and fighting over video games. The most normal that things ever got for us were the times when the mother of the house would let us into the secluded backyard or the creepy basement moist with moss due to the broken window and lonely thunderstorms. There weren't toys to play with or friends to be made. Just a rampant imagination that was slowly replaced with the filthy desires and dark pleasures of desperately creepy men and older women of the likes. Something that shouldn't have been so normal for us but it was all that we ever knew. All we ever learned. All we ever experienced. What we thought would be all that we would ever see of life.

And then a much less than selfish rich man comes along and pays our way out of the lifestyle that was holding us back.

It was such an honor to know that somewhere out there, there were still people willing to spend a huge fortune on nothing more than another street whore and try to help them be an average person again. Not to say that prostitutes aren't average people, for they're as existent as the next being. But to help five younger men out of the kindness of one's heart. To go out of your way to make sure that they're okay.

There would never be a way for me to pay Granger back. There isn't enough gratitude in the world to express how happy I am that he was so willing to risk his life to help us. To appraoch a dangerous man wielding dangerous weapons and subliminal power to save five male prostitutes and show them what a normal life was really like. Not normal for us or anyone else for that matter, but normal for him.

The man that opened up his home to us. The man that defied his father and equipped the help of his mother to help us. The man that paid a cartel half a million dollars to let us go peacefully.

Granger was the man offering us all a long-term place to stay until we felt okay going off on our own.

A reason for me to genuinely say that I was happy we all went to work in the same area that day. And that I was happy he was the one I ran into. And that I was happy that he was still single because maybe he won't be for much longer.


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