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Two weeks passing by and everyone was still slowly but surely becoming more and more comfortable to be around each other.

Remy was pleased the most being treated as the princess that he was. And not to mention that Granger buys me my favorite flavor of ice cream that no one else is allowed to touch! Except for Remy cause he's so nice to me.

Remy was always the only boy who ever talked to me. Or at least, the only boy that didn't call me out of my name or touch me inappropriately. He was very quiet and sweet and we always helped each other out after a really rough encounter with any clients or other workers.

He didn't judge me like most people did and he went through a lot of the same things that I did, grew up with me. So it was easier for him to understand what I was going through and easier for me to understand what he was also going through. He helped me stay out of trouble and would hold me at night time when I wasn't feeling particularly safe.

In more ways than one, whether he knows it or not, Remy saved my life every day. Why? Because I always looked forward to seeing him after an especially rough day so he could comfort me and we could be happier together. When we were little kids, he would always tell me funny stories when I couldn't sleep at night or he would tell me stories that other girls told him about his mama.

I was happy to have Remy as my friend because if it weren't for him, I don't think that I would have ever made it through what we went to. But only because he was always there for me so that we could go through it together, no matter how much trouble it could have gotten him into.

The other boys were always so distant and intimidating. They were mean and didn't want anything to do with me, which I guess is okay. They don't have to like me. But at least Remy does. He's the only person I can trust. Granger is really nice too. But I think that they have something going on. Maybe so. Maybe not.

I jump down from counter and place the bowl that I just finished eating cereal from into the kitchen sink before going up the long stairwell.

On my way down the hallway to my bedroom, I noticed someone's door open but the room dark. I was almost shocked but I shouldn't have been so surprised to find Caylen's large, pale hand wrapped firmly around the throat of a dark-skinned male with long black locks tied into a ponytail. They were drenched in sweat and clearly unaware that I was now in the doorway.

Dubai was in Caylen's lap, strongly riding him and moaning so softly, you would only hear it if you listened closely. Caylen's other hand was firmly on the younger boy's waist and his face and upper body were flushed red and glistening with the perspiration of passion as he watched the younger boy, in joy, take in all of him.

I sighed and very slowly, very quietly closed the door so that I didn't interrupt them and so that no one else could do the same.

As long as they weren't in my bed, it was none of my business.

I walk further down the hall humming quietly and wringing my hands together as a minor distraction to the sudden anxiety that I felt when I found myself walking all the way towards Granger's bedroom that he practically shared with Remy at this point. It was a little disheartening but I guess it was okay.

It was strange because Remy used to always come to me when he couldn't sleep and he would always keep me company. It was this way for years because I had no else and neither did he except for my abusive boyfriend that I lived with for almost two years until he raped Remy. He beat us both and we left in the middle of the night once he had finally fell into a drunken slumber.

I was only 14 when I first met him and he was turning 18 at the time. I was sent down with two other girls and Remy to work a party that night and it happened to be his. I never remembered much of what happened, just that I was very sick when I woke up the next morning and Remy and I were waking up naked in his bed covered in all sorts of substances and other vile-smelling things.

The following year and half after that was somewhat okay I guess. Sometimes, he would get mean and hit me really hard if I did something stupid and Remy would get mad at him. But he would always come home and I forgive him and he wouldn't yell so much for a while.

He was no worse and no better than the men and women that I had already dealt with the earlier and following years.

There was nothing about him that I could change and there was nothing about me that he could change.

I haven't really seen him again since then though.

I was a little sad but Remy said it was good because then he couldn't hurt us anymore. But I liked him. Remy didn't so maybe that was why his opinion was so different from mine.

But at least it was nothing bad that got Remy to stop being my friend. If I didn't have Remy, my only friend, I don't know what I would even be doing with my life.

It was so crazy how things could go from 'kind of good' to 'really good' so fast.

I hope Granger takes good care of Remy. He is really sensitive. Means he gets sad easy. I do too but I guess I'm okay at hiding it. I don't have to tell them when I'm sad. Remy will know. But he is the only one I want to know. I always only want his help.

I just really want Remy to keep on being my best friend forever.


This was just a glimpse into the simplistic mind of little Fenry. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Please understand that Fenry is very confused about a lot of things in his life and because of the traumatic experiences that he has suffered as well as not having a proper education, he handles things differently from the other boys. He is a little slower at processing and has very child-like curiousity and personality due to never having the normal childhood that he really needed.

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