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I sighed softly as I listened to the sound of footfalls leisurely coming closer, almost as though they were cautiously approaching a skittish animal or child, fearing for their life. Afraid that something terrible was moments away from happening.

To Fenry, it was like that. The way that his chest heaved as he clutched his head closer and closer to his knees. As his breaths were jagged and shallow, trying to take back as much air as he could.

He couldn't help the panic that froze his limbs, shocked his nervous system, closed up his throat, choked off his words, constricted his heart, invaded every inch in his head to stop his lungs from properly functioning. Caused his hands to tremble as though he were left out in below zero temperatures for many hours. That made him fear for his life.

That was why Fenry sat in my lap, sobbing and sniffling into my shoulder, grappling the cloth that covered my back, leaning all of his feeble ninety-eight pounds and seven ounces onto me.

Granger's face soon appeared above us and he gave me a very worried look as I just shrugged him off.

It was common for Fenry to have a negative encounter with someone and then just break down about everything afterwards. He was terribly upset and I still didn't know what was said but whatever it was upset the boy enough to give him a panic attack.

"Let me know if either of you boys need anything, okay?" Granger said with a defeated sigh, understanding the situation enough to back off but openly leave his help as an option.

"Thank you." I said softly and Fenry looked up at him, managing a weak, watery smile before wiping his face and looking down again.

"I'm okay, I think." Fenry huffed softly and rubbed at his eyes with his sweater paws before putting his hand on my thigh.

I stood up and then helped him stand. Granger gave us both a warm smile and Fenry suddenly threw himself into the man's arms, hugging him tightly.

It was a bittersweet hug that made me happy because Fenry wasn't always one to allow men to touch him or the other way around unless he was being forced to.

Fenry being able to willingly hug Granger like that and not flinch or make it feel so awkward was a huge step up for the boy already.

I was happy that he could express himself a little more and open up some. It was definitely helping him heal the way that he needed to in such a short amount of time.

We left the confines of the somewhat small room and Granger led the three of us back to his own personal space.

He walked into his office room and I pulled Fenry onto one of the couches beside me and wrapped my arms around him from the side, resting my head on his shoulder.

I was so happy to have a friend through all of those years. Someone to comfort me and keep me sane through all of the rough times. A reason to keep fighting for. I was happy that he was here and that he was always here for me.

That I could go to him regardless of the situation. And that he felt the same way towards me.

We finally relaxed and Granger came back out with an ipad in his hands.

He took his cell phone out of one of his jean pockets and his ChapStick from a small front pocket, setting both items onto the coffee table in front of us. Then he sat down on the couch, a little ways away beside me. He picked up the remote and gestured to the both of us, "Want to see if anything is on right now?"

I looked to Fenry and he nodded at me. I took the remote from Granger and went straight to Netflix. "I'm just doing work so you can pick whatever, just please don't have the television too loud."



Fenry and I both replied at the same time and then we went browsing through the shows to see if anything interesting was on.

We both agreed on some animated show under the genre Anime and it was titled Sword Art Online.

There were multiple kinds and so I went to the one that I assumed was the first and we began watching the series, quickly becoming engrossed in the high definition television that probably cost more than any price of any deeds both Fenry and I had ever done combined.


Short little chapter but I hope you still enjoyed it enough to maybe vote or comment! Thank you for reading! ^~^

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