Chapter 1

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"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." -Aristotle

Spencer has always been different from the others. He liked things to be perfect since he had a routine. Every morning Spencer went to his favorite cafe and ordered a single chai latte and a scone. He knew the scones weren't the best but it was a part of his routine. He had recently gotten accepted to join the FBI, so that was a change in his plans. He drove to the FBI headquarters and entered the building, waving at the front receptionist and then going into the elevator. He counted all of the buttons on each floor. There were 8 floors but there was the ground floor, then the roof, so you could count that to 10. Spencer pressed number 5 and then waited for the elevator to close before heading up. He took a few deep breaths before sipping his latte and humming a tune that his mother sang to him when he was a kid. She might've forgotten it but Spencer sure didn't.

It was a big day for Spencer, he had just started a job at the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. He had been living in Quantico, Virginia for a week now, his apartment still filled with boxes and trash bags full of his things. When the elevator stopped, Spencer stood there for a second and then stepped out, not noticing the girl that walked in front of him with bright pink glasses and a purple and yellow polka dot dress with pink heels. The girl held files and was mumbling to herself. Right as she was going to turn into the BAU's office, she saw Spencer and smiled.

"You must be the new recruit that Hotch hired. I'm the one and only, Penelope Garcia," The girl supposedly named Penelope, raised her hand for a handshake. Spencer didn't do handshakes. Not because he was an asshole, but he didn't really like germs. It would honestly be safer to kiss than to shake hands. Penelope noticed that Spencer didn't return it, but it didn't bother her. "So, not a hand shaker, huh? Well, that's okay! Follow me. I'll take you to Hotchner's office." She smiled widely and opened the doors to the Behavioral Analysis Unit and started walking pretty fast. Spencer guessed that she was excited and started to follow shyly after.

As Spencer followed Penelope, he wondered. How is this Penelope a part of the FBI? She's so bright! Penelope soon stopped his thinking when she opened the door to SSA Aaron Hotchner's office. "Hey, Hotch, the newbie's here. He's kinda cute." Penelope giggled and put down some files on Aaron's desk and whispered something to him before leaving with a smile and a wave towards Spencer.

Penelope had walked into the pigpen from Hotchner's office, smiling like she just saw the cutest boy, which she did. "What's up, baby girl?" An agent called Derek Morgan asked from his desk. "Oh, nothing." Penelope giggled and sat against Derek's desk. "Well, there's obviously something," Derek smirked and tried to guess. "Do you have a date? No, no, maybe you're just happy because your chocolate thunder is here." He chuckled and winked at her. Penelope rolled her eyes and booped his nose. "Even though I am happy to see you, you are not the reason why I'm happy. I'm happy because we have a new recruit and he's pretty cute too." She smiled knowing that Derek would get a little jealous (even with joking) that she called someone cute. "Anyway, we'll meet him in the conference room. We have a case." She got up and stole one of Derek's pens from the pen cup that sat next to his laptop, then headed towards the meeting room.

Spencer shuffled between feet, throwing his half-drunken latte then smiled awkwardly at Penelope as she left then went back to looking at his feet when his new boss stood up and walked over to him. "That was Penelope. She can get a bit excited sometimes, but she means well. You're Mr. Spencer Reid, right?" Aaron had a small smile as he talked about Penelope.

"I-It's actually Doctor. Dr. Spencer Reid... I have three PhDs in mathematics, chemistry, and engineering. As well as three BAs and specializing in statistics and geographic profiling, sir." Spencer stuttered while speaking abnormally fast and looked up at his boss.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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