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LOVE NOTES© naijmi , hoyoverse

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© naijmi , hoyoverse


dec. 01 , thurs.

THOUGHT he'd be the kind of person to admit to liking someone— fuck, he never even thought he'd like like someone. i mean, why would he? he had better things to do than falling in love.

even if he did end up falling for someone, he always imagined it would be a woman. someone who would love him, for him. he wouldve never see himself with someone other than a women.

though, that quickly changed when his ( childhood ) best friend came into the picture. just what about him was attractive? how did he managed to fall for him? a male— not a female.

how did he even realize this? why did he have to fall for him out of all people? he couldve settled for someone half as decent..

lost in his thoughts, he didnt seem hear the bell ring, he didnt even notice his classmates leaving their seats and making their way out the door. just how confused was he about these new found feelings, just the thought made his heart skip another beat.

"hellooo? earth to kuni?" scaramouche suddenly flinched and suddenly his best friend stood before him making him jump out of his seat a little. his best friend currently waving his hand around to get his attention. scaramouche grabbed [name]s wrist to stop him, his face formed a scowl.

"what were you even thinking about? class ended like.. a few seconds ago," [name] frowned.. or was that a pout? either way scaramouche thought the face suited him. scaramouche scoffed while he rolled his eyes, "i was just thinking about the test we have coming up," scaramouche says without even sparing a glance.

[name] let out an 'ohh', his head tilted to the side, a smile replacing his confused face.. quick. "well! i have to go, signoras lookin' for me, bye kuni!" [name] waved his hand goodbye and shortly after left the room. not giving any time for scaramouche to even wave back.

"are you kidding, scara?" scaramouche jumped at the mention of his name. his attention was drawn to the owner of the voice. scaras body relaxed when he saw who it was, the infamous kaedehara kazuha.

"what?" scaramouche asked, casting a sidelong glance at the blonde. kazuha gave him a small smile, his eyes appearing to close (eye smiles 🫶🏼). "lying to the guy you like? not particularly endearing." kazuha responds with a teasing smile which practically pissed scaramouche off.

"excuse me? i wasnt lying— guy i like!?" scaramouches eyes went widen when he actually processed what his friend said. kazuha couldnt help but chuckle at his friends delayed thinking.

LOVE NOTES ━━  scaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now