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Dear You,
I wanted to drown you out.  I put people in front of you I watched as your name disappeared from my messages under various friends that I used to bury you. Through all that I learned I can't.  I could try I could even make myself feel nothing but I'm at a point in my life where I don't want to feel nothing I want to live I want to experience the world through emotion and although it's painful hurt is part of those emotions so although I can't not not feel those emotions I wish I could because some part of me knows that I will carry you through all my days you will be a part of me because of the experiences we shared and I know eventually this pain will diminish but as long as it's here it's a constant reminder of you and it's hard because I wish to forget you but then I wish to remember you it's a growing contradiction and both will win at one point.  Sometime in the future when I thought I forgotten you some thing will remind me of you when I'm moving and I see the things you've made me it will remind me of you and I think I'm OK with that. I think I've excepted that you're no longer a constant in my life you'll forever just be a memory. A lingering set of images that will be buried deep in my mind.

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