Individual RP and OCs

20 0 4

Sorry, but we need these!

1- Main rule here, there is LGBTQ+ so if you don't like, leave, I don't mind straight couple's of course, but just saying

2- Please don't spam me 24/7, I have a life as well and if I don't respond, you can tag me after at least a day or two, if I don't respond, it's probably

-Dont feel like roleplaying
-I lost interest

3- Make an OC before starting the RP, and wait for me to accept

4- The password is your favorite animal, if you don't have it I won't be accepting your form

5- no one liners, I don't mind them once in a while but it can get boring pretty easily, so you have to have 5 lines at most

6- No swearing please, I don't want the book being taken down, you can swear, but censor unless we're in PMs

7- if we do smut, it will be taken to PMs, and before we do anything like that remind me so we can move it to PMs unless we're doing the RP there

8- Thats all for now, but have fun! <3

Individual RP and OCsWhere stories live. Discover now