B O N U S - F A M I L Y

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3rd POV

A girl with long h/c and a boy with shaggy blonde hair ran down a school hallway as four boys chased them.

"Millar, get back here!" One of the boys yelled.

The two kids turned a corner and almost ran into two girls at the top of the stairs.

"Sorry!" The boy called to them as he and the girl ascended down the steps.

Just as the two were about to turn down another flight of stairs. Two boys, bigger than the two, grabbed them and pushed them against the wall.

"Got anything else you two wanna say?" Max asked as he pushed the girl against the wall.

"Actually, I-" The boy started before getting cut off with a punch to the nose.

"Rowan!" said the girl as she tried to push herself away from the wall.

"Shut up!" Max yelled. The two were silent as the four boys glared at them.

"Huh? No more jokes, Ziggy? Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this." Jack snickered at the girl.

"Who talks like that?" Rowan asked sarcastically.

"Yeah. Did you order, like, a "Bully Starter Kit" on Amazon or something? I mean, do you even hear yourself?" Ziggy added.

"Jaren, we talked about this." Rowan adds towards one of the boys behind Jack and Max.

"I didn't say anything." Jaren said as he looked between Jack and Max.

"Shut up, Jaren." The girl scoffed. Max punched her in the stomach and she hunched over with a groan.

"Asshole." She grumbled, which got her a punch in the jaw.

"Leave her alone!" Rowan yelled as he pushed Jack away from him. Rowan lunged at Max and tackled him to the ground. Rowan punched Max in the stomach before Max pushed Rowan off him and flipped, so he was on top. Max launched one fist into Rowan's side, and another fist at Rowan's eye.

Mr. Kander rushed down the steps and pulled Max off of Rowan.

"You four to the office now!" Mr. Kander demanded. The four boys looked at each other in silence. "Now!" Mr. Kander scowled and the four boys ran up the steps. Ziggy quickly kneeled next to her brother as he went into his sweatshirt pocket and pulled out an inhaler.

"You all right, Rowan?" Mr. Kander asked in a much gentler tone than he used earlier.
Rowan nodded as he took a puff of his inhaler.


Y/n and Ricky walked down the halls of a middle school as Y/n pushed up the sleeves of her sweatshirt.

"I can't believe he's suspending them." Y/n scoffed.

"They did get into a fight, honey." Ricky reminded gently.

"Probably for good reason! They're good kids."

"Maybe you can make him change his mind." Ricky suggested. "You're pretty persuasive...and a little intimidating." Ricky added, remembering how no one messed with his wife when they were teenagers.

A smile tugged at her lips as she lightly slapped Ricky's chest.

"Please," she scoffed. "I'm terrifying."

The pair walked up to their children sitting on chairs outside the office. They both hung their heads as they held ice packs to their faces.

"Let me see." Y/n said as she went in front of the two. The pair looked up at their mom and removed the ice packs. Rowan had a dark purple bruise forming around his eye and Ziggy had a matching color bruise on her jaw.

Y/n took in a sharp breath as she looked over her shoulder at Ricky.

"You should see the other guys." Rowan jokes, even though he knew "the other guys" didn't have bruises on their faces.

Ricky chuckled slightly with a small smile as he ruffled Rowan's hair.

"I'm gonna give this guy a fricken piece of my mind." Y/n said through her teeth as she began to head towards the office.

"I got your back honey." Ricky called as he began to follow her.

"Go get him mom!" Ziggy cheered with a smile as Y/n walked into the office, followed by Ricky, who had a smirk on his face.

From outside the office the twins could hear their mother yelling at their principal, her Texan accent becoming more recognizable. Even though the pair weren't bothered to be suspended and get a couple days off school, they enjoyed watching their mom yell at grown men and making them feel small. It was amusing. The two turned in their seats and looked through the clear windows to watch their principal's face as he got yelled at.

Y/n was towering over the principles and the principal had sunken in his chair.

"I-I'm sorry Mrs. Millar, b-but there's nothing I can do. We have a rule about fighting. The other students that were in the fight got suspended too."

"Fine. I'll respect the school policy. But..." Y/n leaned onto the desk and brought her face closer to the man. "If I find out that those boys continue to be bullying my kids and this school isn't doing anything about it, I will bring hell fire to you and the school board. I will make you wish that you never set foot anywhere near these school grounds. You understand?" Y/n whispered so venomly that tears began to well up in the principal's eyes.

"Y-yes, Mrs. Millar."

Y/n nodded firmly before turning on her heels and walking out the door. Ricky looked back at the principal who stared at his desk, still hunched over in his chair.

"Thank you for your time." Ricky said with a smile before following his wife out of the office.

Y/n sighed as she turned to her kids.

"Let's go get some food."

Rowan and Ziggy quickly got up from their seats and followed their mom as their Dad trailed behind them. The two kids caught up to their moms side, and Y/n placed her arms over the two's shoulders.
From behind them Ricky smiled at his family.


At a farm house, two lights flickered off through windows.

Y/n sat on a stool in the grassy backyard. She looked up at the house and watched as the once lighted windows turned dark. She looked back down at the notebook on her lap and scribbled down notes. Her dad's telescope was displayed next to her. She looked through the eyepiece before writing down more notes in her book.

She heard the back door squeak open and slide closed, but she never looked up to see who it was. She continued to write as she felt strong arms snake themselves around her torso. She smiled to herself as she felt a kiss being placed at the base of her neck. Ricky rested his chin on Y/n's shoulder as he looked at her notebook.

"Whatcha writing?" Ricky asked.

"Just details of the stars. Look, this one looks like a peppermint." Y/n smiled as she gestured to the telescope. Ricky looked through and saw the swirly star Y/n was talking about.

"Yeah it kinda does." Ricky chuckled. He pulled away from the telescope and let his chin rest in its previous position.
He watched as Y/n delicately sketched the shaping of the star and noted down estimated measurements. His eyes trailed up to her arms and he smiled as he connected the freckles on her arms like constellations.

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