:。・:*:・゚'★,。・ 005

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soon enough friday had come and you couldn't be happier.

ever since that weird interaction with uraraka two days before she's been on your ass, constantly bugging you about the stupidest shit.

and you had hoped and prayed she wouldn't bother you today. lucky for you whatever gods you prayed to actually listened and kept her away from you.

or at least you thought so..


you and jirou stood by your locker as you both spoke about your last period that you happened to have together.

you leaned against your locker, listing to her ramble as you played with the golden ring that was on your thumb.

suddenly jirou stopped talking and just stared straight forward, before you could turn around to see what she was looking at, a pair of muscly arms wrapped around your waist.

you nearly died of shock.

you turned your head so you could look over your shoulder slightly and then you saw the green haired boy standing behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist.

"hello pretty boy" you mumbled, blushing slightly

"hey y/n" he said letting go of your waist and then standing next to you

"so me and a few a friends are going out after rugby practice and i was wondering if you'd like to come with us" he explained and you nodded

"sure yeah. i'd love too" you replied, nodding and he smiled.

"alright then wait for my by the bleachers i'll see you their after practice" he said and with that he left.

you and jirou stared at him as his figure became smaller, then she looked at you and back at the spot he stood. then back and you and back at the spot. then she smirked

"is it just me or is mr. midoriya way too comfortable around you?" she asked, still smirking which made you blush.

"shut up" you mumbled


you stood at the end of the rugby field, leaning against the barbed-wire fence as you watched the rugby team practice.

surprisingly they aren't shit like you assumed them to be, you nodded with a satisfied look on your face. you're impressed.

you continued watching as the men did different drills at different stations, it was also interesting to see how they tackled one another just for the ball.

you were taken out of your thoughts when a whistle went off, visibly making you flinch. then you heard the coach shouting at them.

when you looked though, the players all looked beyond tired and bored. soon enough the boys were dismissed and izuku came your in your direction.

"hey y/n! im surprised you actually waited. now c'mon" he said, taking you by the wrist and dragging you off the field.


you and izuku walked in a comfortable silence until you reached the student parking lot and you both reached a black Audi RS7.

izuku opened unlocked the car door and opened it for you, then closed it and went to the other side and got it in.

then he drove off


you had given him your address so you could change out of your uniform and into something more comfortable.

then you both made a quick stop at his house so he could shower and change, after that you both drove off again.


once you entered the restaurant you got a homey feeling from it only by seeing the way the customers laughed and spoke to one another as if they were old friends.

izuku had dragged you over to a table at the back of the room where three guys and two girls, one of them being momo, were sitting.

he sat down and you sat down next to him, somewhat feeling out of place, you immediately pulled out your phone and went into instagram.

"you're the new girl right?" one of the people at the table asked

you put down your phone and nodded

"yeah my name's y/n" you said and the girl that asked nodded

"cool im mina ashido, it's a pleasure to meet you" she said and you nodded.

soon after everyone introduced themselves too and they, minus the select few, started asking you questions.

a few hours later you're all slightly tipsy and walking out of the restaurant and into the streets of tokyo to do who knows what.

in that moment you decided that izuku and his friends weren't that bad.


the car:

hey hey!

sorry that the ending was a bit rushed, i had zero motivation too continue writing this and wanted to get it out before 12:00 AM, so i present this hot mess of a chapter.

anyway i hope you enjoyed this chappy!

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐚 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 › i. midoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now