That Girl Right There

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Chapter 1

High school could very well be compared to Hollywood. For example, the popular one (cheerleader, jocks, players, bad boys, sex bombs, sluts etc.) are the main celebrates, top of the hierarchy. Then there are the minion, the ones that are always following them around and hanging on to their word, they are paparazzi. They know every itty bitty detail of their life, yet they are popular for the same reason. We now move on the ultimate fans. They are kind of in the range of normal and overly obsessed stalkers. Somewhat like the paparazzi but less popular. The haters, ah… they are the most hated ones. Everybody is either avoiding them or continuously tormenting them. Finally we have the normal ones, the invisible every day typical plain Jane human being. We try to not to stand out and graduate the fucked up place called high school without going completely insane. That is where I come in. I’m just another girl in the shadows. Before you judgmental people go on saying that this just another story of a depressed girl who falls in love and lives happily ever after I’ll tell you right now, it is not. Every story in unique and this is mine, might not be the happiest but life isn’t all unicorns and rainbows.

So of course there is a guy. I know my life isn’t great but I must have done something right to land a piece of hot ass like him. It was a normal Monday morning and I was in class ten minutes before advisory. I let my fingers wander across the plain paper of my sketchbook. A form of a woman with the wind blowing wisps of her hair onto her stony face cam to life on the paper. I shaded it in all the right places and examined my work. It was ok, it needed a bit of touch up and that should fix it up. I put it away into my bag as the horrendous sound of the bell rang through the school, indicating a start to another day of hell, to me it’s another day wasted.

People quickly started to file in, saying final goodbyes to boyfriends and best friends. The homeroom teacher, Mr. D’Souza, walked in wearing his usual scowl. The thing about Mr. D’Souza is that he is so depressing he puts all emos all around the world to shame. Not that I have anything against emos.

“Shut up!” He snapped at us.

Eventually the chatter died down and gave a weak ‘here’ as he did register.

“Alright, we have a new student. Please welcome Mr. Dalton.” Mr. D’Souza announced in his annoyingly mousy voice.

The door opened and in walked ‘Mr. Dalton’. The first thing I noticed was his height. He was well over 6’6 maybe more. His stormy grey eyes scanned the room skeptically. His face was the definition of delicious. Strong jawline, high cheekbones, beautiful eyes and totally kissable lips. After giving another once over, I dropped my gaze and continued engraving “HellHole” into the desk. The things we do when we are bored.

“Would you like to introduce yourself?” Mr. D’Souza asked.

“No” His voice was deep, husky and plain sexy.

I didn’t bother looking up and just listened. I could hear half of the female population fan girling over him. I internally shake my head, sometimes I worry about the kids of these girls. We don’t need any more clones of them.

“Please take a seat next to Miss. Arrow. Miss. Arrow please put your hand up.” Mr. D’Souza said.

I literally had a WTF?!?! Moment. Well internally. I quickly put my hand up. Everybody turned to face me most of them wearing expressions of pure confusion. I must do a good job of blending in; no one seems to even know that I existed. I smirked to myself. ‘Mr. Dalton’ walked to the seat beside me but his were fixated on me. It made me feel bit better that I had my hood on but his intense eyes made me feel like he could see through everything know my deepest darkest secrets. I had one too many of those and they aren’t not all that nice. Thankfully the bell went off again and I calmly collected my stuff and walked out of class. I made my way to math, Extended Math. I took my usual seat next to the window and waited for the class began. I actually could tolerate math. Something about equations sooths me, I forget about everything around me and dive into the simple yet fascinating world of numbers. That’s the thing about math; there is always a right or wrong answer. Nothing in between. It was straight forward and simple just the way I liked it. The sound of chair scraping brought me back to reality. I snuck a glance to my right to find ‘Mr. Dalton’ sitting beside me, His large form making it seem like the desk and chair had shrunken. He was staring at me again making me feel bare and exposed. I didn’t like it one bit. I looked away and focused on the outside world. I could still feel his eyes burning holes into the back of my head. Again thankfully, Mr. Taylor strode in, diverting all attention to him. Mr. Taylor was a good teacher, he was young and had an actually sense of humor. That is a huge plus in my book.

“I trust you all had a nice weekend?” He asked, shooting a warm smile to the class.

The class answered with a collective yes. He nodded and his smile turned into a sly smirk.

“Well, I’ve got some booklets for you to finish, but first POP QUIZ!” He said enthusiastically with jazz hands.

I smiled was the papers were passed around. I quickly skimmed over the problems and smirked. This was too easy. I stole a glance around the room; most people were looking at the paper with utter confusion while others tried very hard to make something of the gibberish on the paper in front of them. I pulled out my pen and started working on the problems. Around fifteen minutes later I had completed all twenty questions. I put my hand up.

“Yes Ms. Arrow, do you question?” Mr. Taylor asked, amused.

“No sir, I’m finished.” I replied, a slight smugness in my tone.

It was something we did every lesson. He knew that I don’t have a question yet he insists that one day I will. Silly man. That day is much further into the future. I pulled out my IPod and relaxed into my chair as All Time Low sang into my ears.

The rest of the day went smoothly and quickly. I found that I share only one class with ‘Mr. Dalton’. I also discovered that I think of him a lot and not in the way I normally think of hot guys. Quite frankly it scared me a bit. I kept thinking about him all the way home, I unlocked the door to my crappy apartment. Obviously I needed to just stay away from, push him away if he tries to approch me. That was what I do with everyone, it has worked so far so I'm not letting that go any time soon.

“I’m home!” I yelled out to no one.

I dumped my bag on the second hand couch and dragged myself to my bed, it was more of just a mattress on the floor with a bedspread over it but it does the job. I sank into the comfort on the makeshift bed and fell to a peaceful sleep thinking of a certain someone.

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