Chap 1

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Brick didn't even hear Axel come home fro his beach vacation, he only knew he was back because his bed was taken.

He went over to wake him up, but when he tapped on his arm...


Brick jumped in surprise.

'Geez, you trying to kill me?!' Axel demanded.

'No! And keep your voice down, do you want to wake everyone up?!' Brick harshly whispered.

'Chill. I got a painful sunburn on that arm. Really hurts when anyone touches it.'

'How'd you get that? Mom must have packed you at least 3 bottles of sunscreen.'

'Either the stuff didn't work, or I clearly missed a spot. Rubbed some ointment on it when I was coming home, but it must have worn off. Any sunburn ointment here?' Axel asked.

'Sure. I'll find some.'

Brick came back with popsicles.

'Popsicles? Really?'

'It was all I could find that would be somewhat effective.'

Axel was in too much pain to argue, so he rubbed them on the burn, and it kind of helped.

Later that day, he got some ointment for the burn. And while he was shopping, he saw why his mom got him the sunscreen that she got:

It was literally the cheapest brand on the shelf. And a passing by customer said that that brand was pretty much useless.

Light chuckle. 'Soooo typical of Mom.' Axel mumbled.

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