Fuck life Tw: dissociation, thoughts of suer slide

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I just want to feel normal for someone my age. No mental health problems. No anger issues, Average grades, being able to shit without feeling like someone's watching me. Not having been on the internet to the point I'm fucking addicted now. Not having such a dirty mind. Not dissociating every 8 hours. Not wanting to die every day at school. Not wanting to kill myself and just fucking end it already, the lot.

I just want to feel happy like I did before I was on the internet. 

And I know it's not entirely the internet's fault, it's mine too, but can you really blame a kid for being curious?

I wish I was born before the internet was a really big thing, probably could have saved pony.mov from being nostalgic to me; Just saying. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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