1K 14 1

Name: Y/N L/N.

Titles: First Owner Of The System.

Gender: Male.

Age: 21.

Weight: 182lb.

Height: 6"2.

Hair: (H/C).

Eyes: (E/C).

Skin: (S/C).

Birthday: 1/1/22.


Character Items: Ring Of -???- | SCP-963 | Bank Account |


Character Weapons: N/A.


Likes: Beautiful Women|Chilling |The Night Sky | Space | The Unknown | Sweet Foods | Ice Cream| Reading Fanfics & Listening to Music | Cooking | Nature | Warm Weather.

Dislikes: Most People, In General, | Plain Tasting Food | Mornings | Mondays | Hot Weather.

Flaws: Prone to lose track of time | Prone to lie | Lack of Empathy.


Abilities: Artificial Intelligence Creation|Essence of the Binder |Immortality(Due to: SCP-963).


Skills: Appraisal(LV-MAX) |Presentation |Anything Goes School Of Martial Arts.







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