ur pov (quandale dingle)
omg i really miss coochie smith... i should go check up on her..................
*walks to coochie smiths house*
"omg. coochie smith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
coochie smith replies no way "q-q-q-q-q-q--q-qq-q-q-quandale dinky boo???????? irs not what it loooks like i swear............................."
i am flabbergasted.
"okay then coochie smith..... to prove ur love to me u must..................."
"WHAT" coochie smith says DESPERATELY...
"shag me." i replied
ooh ooh ah i came n shit like that idk how to write smut (unless....................)
uwuwuwuwu quandale i heart u nya that was so good uwwwwwwwwwwu
no problem babey
part 2 coming soon (insert epic outro shit weewoo)
go read part 2 NOWOOWONOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW (sorry thta was my drugs)