I Was Never One For Surprises

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"Mother!", Emily Suave dashed upstairs from the kitchen with incredible speed; as from where she got it from, must have been acquired through habit, what with my usual panicked screams now echoing throughout the house due to the makeup crisis caused by none other than my little sister, Amy-Lee. I needed to get back to the past, to my former life where my sister was a baby and wasn't as much of a nuisance as she was today. It's been, what three months now since I moved here to this dreary, dull, spooky dump of a town called Shadeville(like they couldn't get any darker than that). My face, no Melonie Suave's face, was a mess. There was no way this could be my face all overdone with rosy-pink blush on my forehead instead of my already pinked cheeks. Mascara was smudged on my nose while my sister apparently missed my lips because it was now layered with eyeshadow instead of lipstick while it was the other way around for my eyelids which covered my stunning ocean blue eyes.

" Honey you need to stop causing such a ruckus, the neighbours will think I'm killing someone. You've gotta wash up anyway so it'll come off then," my 5 foot 4" mother breezily said(like this really wasn't a big deal). 

" I am so getting you back for this," muttered I to Amy. 

"If by "getting back" you mean carrying to the candy store then yes, yes you are getting her back. Halloween's coming soon so we need to be in stock for the little monsters," Emily ,who hears everything, said.

Great just what I needed; more time with the girl who ruined my morning. I showered, brushed my teeth, blowdried my curly black hair then changed into a sky blue dress(a little above the knee mind you) with a sattin white sash across the middle. After receiving my money from my dad Danny Suave, Amy-lee and I made our way to Ravi's Candy Emporium.We purchased our usual snickers, rock candy, twix and other chocolate delights and made our way back to our house on 78 Stoner Drive. It was approaching midday. We needed a way to escape the Saturday's scorching fire so I decided to take a shortcut through a narrow alley that cut across two buildings and ended joining my street. "Crash!"

Amy was nervous. I could tell from her tiny squeak of "what was that" by my ear. We heard it again. 

"It's probably just a mouse, nothing scary, we're almost ho-.....Ah!!"

I hit the ground...hard. Amy, someone was holding her. Was this what it's like to be helpless? What was going on? Questions fought for my attention in my head but it didn't help get answers to any one bit, only a massive headache. As I was struggling to rise I noticed a figure. The silhouette of a boy. He was tall about 6ft in height. As my senses seemed to clear I saw that he had already rescued my sister and chased away the muggers. He assisted me in standing until I told him I was alright.

"Then that's good. You've got to be careful when walking in this town, it's dangerous." He turned to walk away.

" Uh hey could you atleast tell me your name?" He approached me, I was about to tell him "I don't think I've ever seen you before " but his eyes; his eyes weren't pretty, they were hautingly and enthrallingly beautiful. They were a deep, deep set of mahogany-coloured eyes that seemed to stare right into my very soul. I was attracted to him.

 "It's Hunter."

"Umm excuse me?" 

"You asked my name, it's Hunter,Hunter Miles".

"Thank you so much Hunter" my 9-year old sister replied.

He smiled. HIs teeth were shining. Gosh his smile was stunning but then again he was beyond gorgeous. Cinammon brown hair matched his eyes and his unblemished face. He had a muscular physique under his plain white body-hugging tank top and denim jeans.

It was Monday. The worst day of the week. It was so because it meant that I would have to attend Shadeville High School yet again but somehow something felt terribly wrong like things weren't going to turn out right for me at all today. As soon as I entered the school gates I realized why. He was there. Hunter was there in white tank top(I was growing to like that top) and jeans with also a suade brown jacket. He was heading towards me.

"You alright? You seem almost spaced out. Here,it's cold today." He lent me his jacket. It smelled of nutmeg and felt warm lke freshly baked bread.

"Oh hi I just wanted to thank you for saving me that time. Um my name's Melonie. the girl who was with me was my sister Amy-Lee. Thanks for the jacket." 

And so it was for the entire week. He kept lending me his jacket and in exchange I told him about myself, what my hobbies were, my favourite colour, my art pieces... He was an only child, his parents passed away in a car accident when he was five years old. His favourite colour was brown because it reminded him of the core of nature which he enjoys to view. We kept getting to know each other bit by bit and also we got closer as friends until I didn't exactly feel like just friends. 

" Melonie! Melonie! I'm a witch see" my sister beames while bouncing up and down with her broomstick.

"I'm coming,sheesh, why do I even have to go with you" I complain although I couldn't help but smile at Amy's joyous expression. 

Prancing through the streets was she with her brunette hair bouncing after her. I could've barely kept up with her. We were approaching Mr.Mckinley's house, an old house on the corner of our street near a small forest. McKinley wasn't seen much except for days like these where it was tradition. On making our way to his home Amy staggered and her broom tumbled into the forest. 

"My broom!" she shrieked as she dashed off for it. 

"Amy get back here you'll get lost in there, Amy!" "Oh great just what I need a sister chase in the middle of nowhere"

I pursued her but something was following me I knew there was. It felt like a presence was near observing me.

" Aha! AAAAAHHH!!!! A ghost a ghost a ghost, there's a ghost!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I felt something land to the side of me.

" Hunter?! wait what is going on here? Have you seen my sister? Why is there a ghost here in front of me?"

"You can see that ? " replied Hunter.

"Honey I can explain, just calm down okay deary" soothed my mother who just happened to show up, " Melonie, you've got magic in you."

" Great just great, honestly, I was never one for surprises".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2013 ⏰

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