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(This has been in my drafts for a long time so don't be angry I wrote this instead of updating other stories).

Izuku Yagi, an emerald-eyed and green-haired boy, never had an easy life. Not by any means.

 Since birth, his parents have been less than kind to him; a gross understatement. Instead, they chose to take care of his older sister, Izumi Yagi. However, in his early life, they did give him his basic necessities; but he was treated as a stranger in his own family. He rarely interacted with his sister or parents.

It just got worse after his fourth birthday. You see, 80% of the population has some type of superpower called a quirk. With quirks came heroes, the highest social status one could be. This was followed by various 'heroic' professions, which were succeeded by normal professions, the lowest being villains. Well arguably, the lowest were the ones without quirks. All because a person's true value was measured by the strength and ability of their quirk. Nevertheless, not all quirks were created equal. Quirks that caused mutations and quirks that were seen as 'villainous,' had their owners ostracized by the world. Other quirks were just weak or useless, but these quirk users were just regular citizens.

The quirkless were shunned by everyone with a quirk, and by everyone, I do mean everyone; including the ones with quirks that were ostracized by their peers. Yet, that was not all humanity did to their quirkless individuals. As a requirement by the government, in accordance with their country, state, providence, or other they were forced to wear an item of clothing that showed them as quirkless.

They were treated as less than human; taking jobs no one else wanted for half the pay. Under society's eye, they would never amount to anything and our protagonist had the unfortunate luck of being born without a quirk. During his quirk examination at the tender age of 4, he was diagnosed and registered as quirkless. Given bright red shoes by the government so that everyone could recognize his 'disability,' Izuku's life went downhill and never stopped.

For the next ten years, Izuku was abused both mentally and physically. His parents stopped providing him with his basic needs and on many occasions was locked outside his home, meaning the jobs and places he had to get/sleep in to provide for himself were usually less than legal. His teachers and schools tried and failed to sabotage his work, and he was constantly berated by strangers and told he was nothing but worthless, and he was bullied both verbally and physically.

His major bullies were his sister and her friend Katsuki Bakugo, but that did not mean the other students and even the adults did not hurt him either. His body was littered with scars that mainly consisted of burns and gashes and cuts. However, his life wasn't a complete downward spiral.

There were only 2 notable occurrences that provided any reason for a smile. The first was when he met an elderly man by the name of Bam. He was a nice Korean man with brown hair and eyes who could manipulate water and owned a grocery store. When Izuku was 8 Bam offered him a job so he would not have to risk his life in his illegal job. It paid well enough, but not enough for Izuku to completely take care of himself; not that Bam had any idea. So while this was a small victory, Izuku still had to put his life on the line on multiple occasions to get enough money to survive.

The second was when he met a hero, a relatively unknown but very kind hero. This hero was none other than Eraser-Head. They had met when Izuku, 10 at the time, was cornered in an alley and was being bullied by his upperclassmen after helping a classmate escape earlier. Eraser-Head who was on his way home happened to see the scene from the beginning and jumped down from the rooftop. He chased the kids away and helped Izuku up.

"Are you hurt kid,'' the raven-haired older man asked.

Izuku, who was a huge fan of heroes, recognized the man and started to geek out.

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